We decorate a bottle of champagne for the New Year


On the eve of the New Year holidays almost everyone is busy choosing the perfect gift, decorating the apartment and workplace. This is really wonderful, because such trifles create a festive mood. We offer this year to experiment a little and decorate a bottle of champagne, which is considered one of the main attributes of the holiday.

Charming costume

To decorate champagne, it is not at all necessary to invent a complex decor. Look great with themed costumes made with your own hands.

For such charming costumes you will need:

  • fabric red, white and beige;
  • scissors;
  • soft, voluminous beard material;
  • sewing machine;
  • paper;
  • a pen;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • small buttons or beads.

Prepare paper templates for hands and beards. We transfer them to the fabric and carefully cut out. We sew with the help of a sewing machine. Fill the details with padding and sew the last edge of each of them.

Cut out the remaining parts to create a costume.

We make Santa's head using blanks, as well as bulk material for a beard and buttons or beads for the eyes. Sew them to the suit in red.

Repeat the same on the remaining costumes in the event that you plan to make them several.

We sew the side edges of the blank in such a way that the suit fits on the bottle. We sew sleeves to it and from the remnants of the fabric we make a small cap.

A small amount of champagne can be presented to colleagues and relatives as a present.

Removable champagne decoration

A beautiful decoration on champagne always looks appropriate. However, when creating it you should not forget that pouring a drink from a bottle should still be convenient. A great solution is to make a removable decor.

We will prepare such materials:

  • a small piece of foam or foam;
  • knife;
  • corrugated paper;
  • glue in the gun;
  • tinsel of any color;
  • New Year's toys;
  • candies;
  • satin ribbon.

Try on the tape to the neck of the bottle, choose the optimal length and cut off the excess.

Cut out a small size foam or foam. Cut it in half.

We glue to it a loop of ribbons with a glue gun.

Glue the two pieces of foam or foam together, as shown in the photo.

Try it on the bottle. Please note that the decoration should not be too low.

Cut off a piece of corrugated paper and carefully glue the foam.

Try it on a bottle of champagne.

Glue the tinsel around the edges of the foam, then go to the front side and wrong side.

In order not to see the gaps, glue candies. Stylish, festive decoration for a bottle of champagne is ready!

Unusual decoration

To be interesting to decorate a bottle of champagne, it is not at all necessary to have any special materials. We offer to make a simple version of the decor, which definitely will not leave anyone indifferent.

It will take the following:

  • corrugated paper;
  • Scotch;
  • tape;
  • scissors;
  • glue in the gun;
  • decor: cones, toys, beads.

Cut off the required size of a piece of corrugated paper. Glue it around the neck with scotch tape.

We wrap champagne in a large piece of corrugated paper, as shown in the photo.

To fix the paper using tape.

Glue to the corrugated paper prepared in advance decor. This can be done in any order.


Agree, to present champagne and sweets is too simple. We offer to show imagination, as well as a little patience to create a really beautiful and original gift.

For this we need:

  • champagne;
  • chocolate candies;
  • corrugated paper;
  • sackcloth;
  • glue in the gun;
  • scissors.

Glue the candy to the bottle in a staggered manner, starting from the bottom.

We cut out pineapple leaves from corrugated paper, as shown in the photo. Glue them to the bottle overlap to make it look harmonious.

Tie a burlap on the bottle between the leaves and candy. The original gift is ready!

Experiment, try to use different materials so that the pineapples are different from each other.

Champagne decor with satin ribbons

To create such a creative decor, we prepare the following:

  • a bottle of champagne;
  • satin ribbon;
  • brocade tape;
  • glue in the gun;
  • thin knife;
  • scissors;
  • lace, beads and feathers optional.

We put the tape on the bottle, as shown in the photo, measure and cut.

On the inner side of the tape put glue dots in a checkerboard pattern.

Glue the cut to the bottle, slightly pulling the tape. This is necessary to ensure that the edges are smooth. Measure the second segment, which will be located below and cut off.

Glue the tape and repeat these steps two more times.

We take the brocade tape, cut off and glue two layers alternately.

Glue the daisy tape on the bottom of the bottle. Then cut off eight or nine strips of color tape. It is best to begin to glue them from the bottom, so that the seam is behind, exactly in the middle behind the bottle.

Strips need not stick everything, leaving space for one or two tapes.

With the help of a thin knife free space for the tape.

Apply glue to one edge of the tape and insert it into the slot below.

We put small drops of glue along the entire length of the tape and press it tightly with our hands to the bottle.

Glue the last piece of brocade tape.

Corners that stick out a little can be cut off. Then we decorate the bottle at our discretion.

Paper decor

Anyone can beautifully pack a bottle of wine or champagne. It does not need a lot of time and materials.

To work will require:

  • wrapping paper;
  • wine or champagne;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • glue in the gun;
  • decorative tape.

Cut off a piece of decorative paper so that one edge goes to the other.

With the help of a ruler divide the sheet into three parts and draw a line. Perpendicular to the first, we draw several more lines measuring two centimeters each.

Cut the paper as shown in the photo.

Glue the side of the paper to the bottle to the fold line of the fringe.

Bend the fringe and tie it with a cord or a beautiful ribbon.


In the process, we need the following:

  • champagne;
  • napkins;
  • brushes;
  • acrylic paints;
  • varnish for decoupage;
  • foam sponge;
  • varnish for the final coating;
  • alcohol;
  • varied decor as desired.

We clear the bottle of the label, and also remove the excise stamp. Degrease the surface with alcohol.

Paint the bottle with acrylic paint. You can use a brush or sponge for this.

If the paint goes unevenly, then it is necessary to paint a second time and leave to dry completely.

Cut out the napkin drawing.

Apply the cut fragment to the glass and immediately apply varnish for decoupage. Very smoothly and smoothly smooth the drawing with a brush.

If necessary, add a different festive decor. It can be cones, tinsel, candy, toys.

Festive decor

Stylish, bright and festive champagne decor can be made in just a few minutes.

For this we will prepare the following materials:

  • champagne;
  • spray glue;
  • sparkles;
  • disposable gloves;
  • paper.

We cover the work surface with paper and put on gloves. Cover the bottle with aerosol glue. If you do not have this, then use a simple PVA.

Sprinkle glitter on the surface with glue and leave to dry.

Festive, bright champagne decor is ready!

To pour the champagne was convenient, you can cover the bottle partially.

The decor looks no less beautiful with large multi-colored sparkles.

Original champagne decor ideas

Beautifully decorate a bottle of champagne for the holiday everyone can. It does not take too much time, but be sure that guests will appreciate your efforts.


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