Moonstone is an amazing and incredibly beautiful mineral, having a translucent appearance and natural origin. The name is based on a silver-gray color with a delicate blue tint and shimmering modulations that create a moonlight effect. Alternative moonstone names are fish eye, pearl spar, adular, or agluarite. This stone attracts girls, as it has amazing and unique aesthetic, magical and healing properties.

Moonstone Basics

A moonstone is a translucent or completely transparent mineral that is known for all its “moon glow” (addullisation or iridescence). If you come from a scientific point of view, then this effect is explained simply and due to the structure of the fine-lamellar gem. Adular is a rare variety of natural material that belongs to the group of potassium feldspar.

The name of the mineral is consonant with Mount Adula (Switzerland) because it was there that they first found this amazing gem, which attracts with its beauty. Externally, the moonstone resembles synthetic spinel or chalcedony, but is very weak on the mechanical impact (fragile upon impact). Usually, the mineral has a prismatic, tabular or columnar structure and is highly valued among jewelers. The main reason for the popularity is a chic appearance at a low cost, which reduces the cost of manufactured products.

Given the color scheme is not difficult to guess that the stone is best combined with silver. Ancient thinkers were convinced that the Goddess Luna herself gave an unusual bloom to the stone, and the mineral itself was a hardened moonbeam. There are also implications, according to which, during the growing moon, the stones begin to glow and shine much brighter. At the moment, the moonstone is a rare semi-precious stone, which is mined in small quantities all over the world, including Russia.

Moonstone and its magical properties

First of all, the moonstone is a talisman of sincere and genuine love that can attract such a strong, pure and deep feeling into the life of its owner. In this regard, the moonstone is often used by girls who want to get rid of loneliness. Mineral inflames gentle passion and helps to attract the object of desire.

In the old days, girls often decorated their bodies with amulets with this stone, attracting the attention of the opposite sex, hoping that they could find love. The moonstone on the left hand is able to correct human feelings and helps to avoid quarrels. On the right hand - improves intuition and fantasy, promotes moral and psychological relaxation.

The moonstone is a great gift to a loved one, because in India this mineral is an exclusive symbolizing the sincerity of the senses. In Greece, it was believed that the stone helps the warriors to overcome the ordeals and contributes to victories over enemies, charging the owner with vital forces and strong energy. At the same time, the mineral showed the future, warning about the dangers. In Sri Lanka, they believed that the moonstone is sacred, and those who find it can foretell the future.

Moonstone is an amulet of creative and extraordinary people engaged in a certain type of activity (music, movies, pictures, etc.), which helps to unlock the full potential. Thanks to this stone it is possible to achieve unprecedented results, becoming famous in its field. Also considered. That mineral brings good luck in gambling.

The healing properties of the moonstone

Like all natural stones, adulyar is filled with healing properties and useful characteristics. First of all, healers believe that the moonstone is a reliable protection of the aura against bad thoughts, evil eyes and other negative things. At the same time, the stone gives peace and tranquility, brings confidence and charm to women. It is believed that the moonstone is able to control anger, removes fatigue, bad mood and quickly removes a person from depression.

At the same time, the stone normalizes the emotional state, relieves insomnia and stabilizes the nervous system. It also fights epileptic seizures. If a person is susceptible to the phases of the lunar cycle, then this stone should become an irreplaceable amulet that supports the psyche in a normal state. Moonstone eliminates headaches and evil thoughts, makes life more calm and measured.

Also adularia has a positive effect on intellectual development and brain activity. To make it easier to give birth to a healthy child, it is recommended to wear jewelry with this mineral from the day of conception and up to the birth. At the same time, this stone favorably affects the organs of the digestive tract, stabilizes the nervous and cardiovascular systems. The main thing is that the moonstone is a charge of energy and vigor, allowing a person to develop and discover in himself the potential, abilities and new talents.

To suit the moonstone on the sign of the zodiac

First of all, regardless of the horoscope, the moonstone is desirable to wear melancholic and shy people, as well as those who often have a bad or depressed mood. At the same time, the stone can be used by people who are planning to hold an important event or meeting. In general, the moonstone is a mineral for strong and self-confident people with a strong-willed and strong character who want to achieve their goals, by all means.

The stone brings special luck to people engaged in creative activities, as well as to those who were born during the full moon or Monday. The power of a stone on itself is capable of feeling everything, but it most strongly affects such zodiac signs:

  • Virgo - will become more wise, reasonable and confident.
  • Scales - helps in the implementation of ideas, development of potential and talents.
  • Lions - strength and confidence will increase several times, while the person will balance the ambitions and stabilize the mental state.
  • Scorpions - allows you to find the right solution in any situation.
  • Capricorn - material stability and well-being.
  • Sagittarius - reveals the creative potential.

As for the other signs, it is undesirable to use moonstone to Pisces, Aries and Aquarius, while others can use it, but the mineral will not fully demonstrate its strength. The main thing - you need to find and purchase a natural mineral, which is not so easy, because many jewelers are engaged in fake moonstone.


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