Onyx is a beautiful mineral in its aesthetic properties. There is a beautiful legend about the appearance of this stone. It is believed that the goddess Aphrodite, among other things, had beautiful nails. By negligence, Eros cut them off, and the other powerful gods turned the trimmings into stones. Therefore, the name of the mineral from the Greek means “nail”.

Stone features

Onyx consists of many parallel layers and shimmers in gorgeous shades. This is a chalcedony variety of quartz. Among the shades of stone found in nature, there are warm and cold. But most often you can find black onyx. The color of the mineral depends on the amount of impurities to silicon oxide of iron and other elements.

Layers of stone are always parallel and multi-colored. The temperature at which the stone was formed depends on the width of these bands. The so-called sardonyx is onyx orange, red or brown. They are also referred to as carnelian varieties. The combination of red and white are found on carnelionix.Black, Arab and green onyx are recognized as the most valuable. They are most often used to create jewelry. White stripes on them are usually barely distinguishable, but they are always there.

The magic and healing properties of onyx

Onyx also owes its popularity to its healing and magical qualities. It relieves stress and cures headaches. This is a stone of eloquence. It brings the maximum benefit to those who have pure and good thoughts.

Onyx favors the development of leadership qualities in man. In addition, the owners of this stone are easier to perform in public and find in themselves all the new hidden talents. Owners of onyx are most often eloquent. Their oratorical abilities grow day by day.

The host of onyx feels confident, because it does not leave a sense of stability. Stone gives a cold mind and enhances self-discipline. The main property of the mineral is the transformation of the energy accumulated by it and its use for the welfare of its owner. The owner of the stone is able to concentrate to conduct any kind of activity and arrive at the same time in a great mood. Stone gives the ability to focus on important things. Therefore, on the desktop is to put a statuette of onyx.

The mineral bears ironically the nickname "stupid." It does not act immediately, but requires patience from its owner. It seems that the stone gets used to the owner for a long time, after which it directs all its efforts to solving the most serious problems in human life.

In ancient times, onyx was a talisman for military leaders and leaders. With his help, the warriors expected to become more daring and invulnerable in battle. It was believed that the mineral is able to make its owner invincible, protects against encroachment on his life and helped to reveal the ingenious designs of enemies.

Onyx is associated with reason and reason, with psychological balance and emotional control. It helps to make difficult strategic decisions. With the protection of onyx is not able to cope, no magic and energy force. It is important that the stone protects against premature death and no matter where it comes from. Jewelry with this mineral should always be kept to yourself.

Black onyx can protect its owner from bad habits. To do this, you need to keep the stone for a long time until it gets used to it. In this case, you can count on the extensive and positive effects of the mineral on the body.

If you insist on onyx water, then you can use it for healing and losing weight. If you drink water from onyx dishes, you will soon feel a decrease in the level of fatigue and even the satisfaction of hunger. In the list of beneficial effects:

  • effect on hearing organs and its improvement;
  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • fighting depression;
  • stress management;
  • improvement of the cardiovascular system;
  • saves from meteosensitivity;
  • treats headaches;
  • supports the health of the musculoskeletal system;
  • treats impotence.

Onyx and zodiac signs

It is customary to tie the effects of stones on people with their date of birth. It is believed that most onyx favors Cancers. This sign gives a person indecision, and the mineral brings confidence in himself and his abilities to his master. The owner of such an amulet gets a clear idea of ​​the purpose and plan for achieving it. It is better to choose Blue onyx for Cancers, since this is the color of its element - Water. Impressive crayfish stone protect from the negative influence of others.

Warm and bright shades of onyx fit the Twins. Such a stone will charge with energy and fresh strength. Windy and contradictory by nature Gemini will gain an understanding of the clear focus of their actions. Mineral will help them to discover the makings of a leader in themselves and use them for their intended purpose and with maximum benefit.

Lions fit black onyx. This is a stone of real leaders and leaders. Lviv has the appropriate abilities and they need only be strengthened, with which the black mineral successfully copes.Lions that do not grow together with onyx attract people to themselves, cause their sympathy and easily find ways to control the crowd. The stone helps to become decisive and adamant, the surrounding feel these qualities of Leo.

Scorpios black onyx will help fight melancholy and apathy. Also, the stone will effectively deal with the troubles in your personal life, strengthen family ties, protect from sorrows.

Onyx has a beneficial effect on Aquarius. This is especially noticeable to those who were born at the beginning of February. Under the influence of stone, Aquarius becomes more resolute on the way to overcome difficulties. Also stone gives dedication. Like other signs of the Air, Aquarius should choose onyx cold shades.

Taurus will be able to effectively deal with bad habits. This includes alcohol dependence and smoking. For a positive result, it is necessary to carry onyx with you. In addition, Taurus can become more sociable and liberated.

Energetic and business Aries will receive the necessary protection from detractors. Representatives of this sign can expect to improve mental abilities and unleash creative potential.

Weights need to choose onyx deep blue. The stone perfectly harmonizes with the balance of the mark, maintaining a sense of stability. Virgos will be able to relieve stress and heal a headache by wearing onyx jewelry after a busy day. The most industrious and pedantic Virgos will feel best.Streltsam in the company with onyx will be especially comfortable. It helps in the fight against their natural imbalance. Black onyx allows this sign to withdraw from the negative, coming from the side.

Capricorn is fed from the stone by new forces. This will help to cope with the opposition in any of the spheres of life. But Pisces onyx is absolutely not suitable. The energy of this sign does not sound in tune with the energy of the stone.

Jewelry with stones should not carry only aesthetic pleasure. It is important to find out in advance what kind of energy a mineral has and how it will affect the life of its owner. Onyx is quite a versatile stone. With the right approach to the selection and use, you can use it to significantly improve your life.


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