Selenite is a stone whose name is consonant with the Moon Goddess Selene (Greece). The fact is that the stone has an amazing appearance, in ancient times it was compared with the Moon and was considered to be part of it. This stone fascinates people, but at the same time is a proud mineral that does not tolerate other stones.

Selenite is divided into several categories, not only depending on the color and external data, but also on the place of its production. For example, the mineral whose deposit was located close to the White Sea is called belomorite, and the name of black selenite is labrador. The classic mineral has a delicate white color (the color of milk). However, there are stones with a blue, yellow or pink hue, which also surprise with its beauty. The most valuable type of selenite is a mineral with a honey shade.

As you know, selenite is a fragile stone that can be scratched even with a careless movement of the nail.The fact is that on the Mohs scale the stone has a hardness of two units, so the stone does not perceive nearby stones that can scratch it or even destroy it. The advantage of such hardness is only in one thing - the stone is easy to polish and grind.

Selenite is an amazing stone with a silky shine and a unique iridescent effect - the light band can be in different places, based on the viewing angle under which they look at the stone. Selenite is a transparent mineral, based on the chemical composition of clay and sulfur, hematite, sand and other organic impurities, creating a beautiful stone.

How and who uses selenite

Since selenite is a very fragile mineral, it belongs to semi-precious and inexpensive stones. In ancient times, it was used to make figurines, bowls and jewelry. Jewelry with this stone is practically not made, as the stone is easy to scratch, damage or deform in them, because of which it will quickly fall out or break. However, it is often used to create beautiful beads, pendants and bracelets.

For a stone to serve as long as possible, it must be stored in special conditions - it is necessary to ensure sufficient humidity and optimum temperature conditions. There are also special varnishes that cover the mineral, preserving its original appearance.

Very often, all natural minerals and stones are separated by sex into male and female. As for selenite, it is definitely a female stone, as it is fragile, soft and tender. For this reason, in ancient times, men gave jewelery from selenite to their daughters in order to soften their character, develop sensitivity, pliability and patience, making them real girls. The stone has a special force in the full moon, so during this period it is necessary to handle it with extreme care.

If you believe the dowry, then selenite is the main family stone, providing comfort, comfort and good relations between family members. Mineral will protect lovers from quarrels and discontent. At the same time, selenite is a stone that will help a lonely person to find sincere, pure and mutual love.

Selenite is not only a love stone, but also a faithful helper in religion. Many men and women take selenite amulets with them during the pilgrimage. Also, people believe that the stone has a direct connection with the guardian angel of its owner, and in difficult times will be able to call him for help, will indicate the right way in life.

Healing properties of Selenite stone

Many believe that the stone has tremendous power and energy, therefore it is surprising with its healing abilities, namely:

  • Heals wounds, relieves swelling and hematomas.
  • It increases the elasticity of the ligament and the mobility of the joint, therefore it is used in diseases such as arthritis or arthrosis.
  • Heals diseases related to anemia.
  • The powder of this stone is drunk to reduce the temperature and remove the heat.
  • If a person has depression or psychological disorder, then the stone will have a beneficial effect on his mental state, will remove apathy and depression, forcing him to look at life from the positive side.
  • Heals from diseases associated with the lungs and respiratory system.
  • Relieves from fainting.
  • Tibetan doctors use a mineral to clean the gallbladder and remove stones.
  • The Egyptians used selenite powder, diluting it with soda and honey to keep the skin in proper condition. They also believed that the stone would preserve youth, remove wrinkles and heal all wounds.
  • If you look at the stone for a long time and often, then it will restore sight, giving the opportunity to see the world to the full.

Selenite and its magical properties

As for the magical abilities of the stone, they are known to mankind for a long time. First of all, selenite is a mineral that purifies the mind and relieves stress, therefore it is ideal for people engaged in mental activity.In addition, the stone will improve concentration, strengthen the will and ability to memorize large amounts of information.

The stone also affects the person's emotions, enhancing his overall emotionality. Simply put, a person will love more, dream more. However, the stone is not recommended to gentle and sentimental people, since selenite will make them even softer and more dreamy, but this is not always good, because you need to live not in illusions, but in the real world.

At the same time, selenite is a stone that can make its owner more prudent and cautious. It is believed that with this stone you can see your future, thanks to which all troubles and problems can be easily avoided by getting rid of the troubles and life turmoil.

To whom is selenite suitable for the sign of the zodiac?

As it is known, this stone is under the patronage of the Moon, therefore the character traits of the mineral are obvious - capriciousness and egoism, softness and tenderness, smooth and warm essence. Astrologers believe that, despite some minor flaws, selenite is a benevolent mineral that will not harm anyone. However, there are signs of the zodiac that is most suitable for Selenite - Cancers, Scorpios and Pisces. These very signs of the zodiac will be able to unleash the power of the stone to the full, having received the maximum benefit and energy of the mineral.

The stone has a special influence on creative people, as well as on those who are connected with religion. It is also believed that this stone is suitable for people born in the new moon, while he will give them all of himself and all his strength. According to some teachings, this mineral is an obligatory attribute for girls named Pauline and men named Victor.



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