The variety of blue stones is so large that it can not leave anyone indifferent. Jewelers actively use these minerals to create precious and inexpensive jewelry, surprising for its beauty, elegance and tenderness. Turquoise, topaz, apatite, aquamarine and spinel are just some of the stones that have a blue color and surprise with their beauty. Depending on the cost, all existing stones can be divided into three groups:

  • Ornamental or decorative.
  • Semi-precious.
  • Precious.

Ornamental or decorative stones of blue color

The most affordable blue stones are:

  • Amazonite is a blue translucent stone that has a shade that is closer to white. With the help of the mineral, since ancient times they have created decorations and ritual figures. Mohs hardness is about 6 units.

  • Apatite is a “stone of deception”, since they often imitate more expensive minerals. The structure of the gem can be both transparent and matte.Despite the fact that the hardness of the stone on the Mohs scale is 5 units, it is considered a fragile stone. At the same time, the color range of the mineral is almost limitless and blue is just one of the options presented.

  • Turquoise is a unique matte mineral that attracts with original intertwined lines and divorces that are created by nature. For the first time the stone was found by the inhabitants of ancient Egypt, it was used by pharaohs and priests. Mohs hardness - 5-6 units. The gem has several shades, and its value depends on the number of web-like divorces on the surface of the stone.

Semiprecious stones of blue color

The following minerals can be found in this category:

  • Moonstone is a clear mineral with unique healing and magical properties. The name of the stone is explained by flickering overflows of blue color, the alternative name is adular (the first deposit of the stone is Mount Adula in Switzerland). Mohs hardness is about 6 units.

  • Chalcedony is a pale blue mineral that can be translucent or dull. The name of the gem comes from the city in the Bosphorus Strait - Halkedon, the alternative name is sapphirine. Since ancient times, the stone was very popular and was used by the kings. Mohs hardness - 6-7 points.

  • Zircon is an ancient mineral whose name translates as “golden color”. Often, this stone was replaced by more precious minerals, for example, sapphires and topazes, however, with the advent of artificial cubic zirconia, its use has practically ceased. Mohs hardness - 7-8 units.

Blue gems

The most expensive blue stones include:

  • Aquamarine is a kind of beryl that has iron in its chemical composition, which determines the saturation of a stone. The hardness of the mineral on the Mohs scale is 8 units. The stone can have both various shades of blue color, and a greenish shade.

  • Sapphire is a popular gem used to create jewelry. The literal translation of the word sapphire is blue. The hardness of the mineral - 9 units on the Mohs scale.

  • Topaz is a beautiful, but not too expensive mineral, whose name in translation is warm. Blue is not the only shade for a stone, topazes of brown, pink and yellow are also found. Hardness - 8 units on the Mohs scale.

  • Spinel is probably the most expensive stone from the list. It is usually used to create church and religious items. Also, the mineral is loved by collectors. The colors of the stone are blue, black, pink or ruby. The mining sites are Myanmar, Afghanistan and Sri Lanka. Mohs hardness - 8 units.

The healing and magical properties of blue stones

It is believed that the blue color has a beneficial effect on the creative potential of a person, develops and enhances intuition. Stones of cold blue shades have unique healing properties and are able to relieve diseases, inflammatory processes and pain.

The healing and magical properties of some blue stones:

  • Aquamarine - the mineral allows you to find inner peace and harmony, helps in the treatment of diseases of the teeth, lungs and skin problems. Stone is also used to improve sight, heal from blindness. At the same time, the mineral protects from harm, serves as a reliable companion on a long journey.

  • Turquoise is a stone that eliminates migraines, headaches and nervous system disorders. People believe that the mineral warns of misfortunes and illnesses by changing its color. Turquoise will point the right way and make it easy to get out of a difficult situation.

  • Sapphire - eliminates its owner and his environment from negative energy, directs it to the true path. Also, the stone will make a person more perfect and spiritually developed. It is believed that the mineral stops the development of tumors, heals cancer and asthma. At the same time, sapphire normalizes the work of the nervous system, reveals the creative potential and fills the life of the owner with love and good.

  • Topaz - relieves nervous exhaustion, stress and depression, improving the energy and well-being of its owner. Also, the mineral allows you to find harmony, having lost insomnia, nightmares and anxieties. The stone has a beneficial effect on the internal organs, in particular the thyroid gland, gall bladder, spleen and liver. It is also used as an amulet that protects from damage, the evil eye and other negative manifestations. It is believed that the stone attracts wealth, luck and happiness.

  • Zircon will fill life with positive emotions, vivacity, making the owner stronger and more active. Medicinal properties - heals diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, stabilizes the thyroid and liver.

  • Blue spinel is a rare stone that attracts happiness and love to life. Healing properties - relieves pain in the lumbar region, stabilizes the gastrointestinal tract and eliminates skin defects, has a beneficial effect on the immune system and internal organs. A pleasant feature of the mineral - it perfectly stimulates sexual energy, eliminates infertility and impotence.

Who and what stones of blue color are suitable for the sign of the zodiac

Compatibility of blue stones with signs of the zodiac:

  • Aquamarine is a versatile stone, but reveals its full potential only with Pisces.
  • Amethyst - can be used by all, but is best combined with the element of Water.
  • Apatite and turquoise are equally good for all signs of the zodiac.
  • Sapphire - can be used by everyone except Capricorn.
  • Topaz is a versatile mineral that can best help Scorpios.
  • Chalcedony - best suited to Leo, Gemini and Capricorn.
  • Zircon is the stone of Sagittarius, but can be used by other signs of the zodiac. It is forbidden to use Cancers and Pisces.
  • Spinel - in principle, the mineral can be worn by everyone, however, he will demonstrate his whole strength only to Virgos.


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