Jade is a semi-precious ornamental stone, based on the weave of crystalline fibers that make the mineral special. As is known, this is a sacred stone for China, capable of completely changing the essence and character of a person, his behavior and habits. It is believed that jade is a reflection of the human essence, so if the stone is dull in the hands, then you need to think about the correctness of your life, trying to find the right path to follow.

Jade is a stone of high strength, even granite is significantly inferior to it, so it is possible to create high-precision products. It is impossible to split this stone even with a special set of tools. The main reason for the demand for the mineral is the possibility of convenient processing and high durability. The Egyptians used jade to frame the tombs and create women's ornaments.At the same time, green jade was used to create floor tiles with columns. For a long time amulets and amulets, symbolizing power, were made of it.

Types and colors of jade

Most people are confident that jade exists only in green, but far from it. In fact, this stone has a large color palette:

  • Marshland.
  • Red.
  • Yellow.
  • Blue.
  • Different shades of green, etc.

However, one of the most attractive options is white jade, or rather a stone with light shades that are almost imperceptible against the background of a snow-white stone. The main difference between stones of different colors lies in their magical abilities, affecting both the spiritual values ​​of a person and his state of the body. Stone guarantees the purity of thoughts, make a person stronger and more confident. Also white jade develops the mind and logic, is an essential attribute in disputes or negotiations.

Green mineral - a stone that is filled with the deepest mystical meaning. If you look at a gem for a long time and often, you can discover new abilities or talent in yourself, while at the same time finding peace in life and the subconscious. If the stone is worn as an ornament, then the person will find a life purpose for which he will strive.

Black stone - has a special value, so it is used by jewelers for making jewelry. The mineral has a mysterious and original appearance, thanks to which it easily conquers the hearts of girls. If you touch the mystics, the stone will make its owner more wise and insightful, able to make the right decisions and easily get out of difficult situations.

Depending on the color of jade is:

  • Spotted - used for the production of interior items.
  • Homogeneous - a translucent and bright stone, representing a special value for jewelers.
  • Interspersed - used in the manufacture of decorative handicrafts.

The magical properties of jade

As you know, jade is often used for religious and magical rites. In total, the stone has five main abilities that the healers discovered. According to the legends, the ancient people built knives for the rites of sacrifice with jade, and the Buddha’s throne was made of this stone. Confucius believed that jade helps to become prudent, affects the mind and its abilities, allows a person to be humane.

At the same time, the hardness of a stone is a symbol of masculinity, brilliance is kindness, and durability is an endless supply of patience. People who explore this stone and its magical potential believe and prove that one of the components of the elixir of immortality is green jade powder. In the east, this stone was considered at all holy, immaculate, as it deprives evil thoughts, instills love and respect for people. In eastern countries they believe that jade is how strong that allows you to start life anew, forgetting about all sins.

Not infrequently, more global properties are attributed to the stone, for example, it is able to stop natural disasters and cataclysms, protect its owner from the plague, the evil eye and all diseases. If there is a pathology, then for independent deliveries it is recommended to wear jade from the day of conception until the moment of birth. Thanks to this mineral, the baby should be born healthy and strong.

Healing properties of jade

For a long time, it was believed that nephritis is a universal medicine that can save a person from all diseases, regardless of their seriousness. To get rid of ailments, it is enough just to carry a stone with you, and in the case when a person is healthy, jade simply serves as a disease prevention. Healers wash the jade powder and recommend it to take a teaspoon, squeezed water. Thus, the mineral gets inside the body, acting on it from the inside.

Nephritis is the best remedy for treating kidney and bladder diseases. It also has a positive effect on the digestive system and the digestive tract.Pregnant women carry the stone with them so that the baby is healthy, and childbirth more simple. At the same time, jade is a stone that allows you to get rid of anxiety and nightmares.

This stone is used to massage the body, because it relieves the body of allergic reactions and improves skin condition. After the procedure, the skin becomes silky and taut. If there is a wound or bruise on the body, then you need to attach a jade plate that accelerates cell regeneration. Jade pendants open the heart chakra, positively affecting diseased organs. Also, the stone accumulates and retains heat for a long time, so it is not rarely used for diseases of the kidneys and back.

To suit the jade on the sign of the zodiac

If the opinion of astrologers and magicians is not an empty phrase, then before using jade you need to know whether it can be worn, taking into account the sign of the zodiac under which the person was born. In general, it is believed that jade is a versatile stone that can be worn by everyone. However, this stone is able to radically change life, so it is not advised to those who are satisfied with the stability and regularity.

In general, this stone is most suitable for Libra, especially the white mineral. As for Dev, the ideal option for them is red jade, which will bring family happiness and love. At the same time, the red stone will attract career success. Cancer and Pisces can use jade blue or black, for them it will serve as a source of energy.

Capricorn is best combined with a green stone, as soon as such jade stabilizes the nervous system and makes a person less impulsive. Green stone will help Capricorns in their careers and will attract material well-being. As for Sagittarius and Taurus, it is better for them to find a more suitable stone, since nephrite, although universal, is the worst of all when combined with these zodiac signs.


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