It is not in vain that the mineral fluorite has such a complex and interesting name, since it has an amazing color (a transparent crystal with a pale lilac and light emerald color at the same time). Such a color combination among the stones is very rare, so the mineral has such a sonorous and romantic name, translated from Latin - flow. Alternative names are South African or Transvaal emerald.

The stone can have a completely transparent or translucent structure and is characterized by a glass luster. The mineral can have not only emerald-lilac color, but also white, pink, blue, gray, yellow, orange or dark-purple color. Probably, there is no breed in the world that has such a rich and bright color range as fluorite.

The main pleasant feature of this stone is that it can phosphoresce and luminesce, that is, glow in the dark, which makes any decoration with fluorite unique.For a mineral to acquire such an ability, it is enough to charge it with ultraviolet light Currently, stone is mined in Italy and the United Kingdom, Tajikistan and Germany, Norway and Italy, the United States and Canada. Large deposits - Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Russia.

Medicinal properties of fluorite

It is believed that this stone is a real magician, saving from headaches and migraines. Magnetic storms, flares of the sun and other negative natural manifestations will pass without a trace for the body if you carry this stone with you. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the body, removing over-voltage and pushing away negative energy from its owner.

Healing properties of fluorite, allowing active use of it in healing:

  • Removes negative, removes stress.
  • Deprives nightmares, insomnia and stabilizes sleep.
  • Supports the nervous system of its owner.
  • Favorably affects the cardiovascular system.
  • Eliminates stomatitis and herpes.
  • Accelerates the healing process of wounds and cuts, scars and ulcers, stimulating cell regeneration.
  • Heals from rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Stimulates the brain, ridding the owner of multiple sclerosis and epilepsy.

Also, this mineral is loved by athletes, because fluorite improves coordination of movement, improving and strengthening the physical condition of the body. Spheres from this stone are used during the massage of the person having the toning and fortifying property. In ancient times, it was used to heal wounds; it is enough to pour a polished piece of stone with boiling water and apply it to the damaged area of ​​skin.

Fluorite stone and its magical properties

The Indians from ancient times revered this stone, treating it with trepidation and respect, but at the same time a little fear due to the tremendous energy and magical power of fluorite. They believed that this stone is a conductor, allowing to discover new civilizations and worlds, having received from them experience and knowledge.

It is noteworthy that the stone reacts to music and is actively used during meditation. Fluorite has a mild effect on the energy centers of the human body, interacting with the subconscious. It is worth noting that the stone does not obey evil people who have negative or illegal thoughts. Fluorite is a stone of clean, kind and open people, which will give them joy, love and peace.

For a long time this stone was used by mediums and magicians as a ball for divination, predictions and seances. At the same time, an amulet from this mineral serves as a reliable amulet that protects the psyche and nervous system of its owner, relieving him of stress, anger and hysteria. Also, the stone protects and cleans the aura, protecting it from electromagnetic stress, so it is recommended to be worn by those who spend a long time at the computer.

The stone has a beneficial effect on analytical and intellectual abilities, so one of its names is the stone of geniuses. This mineral is able to open all levels of thinking, so it is used by people who have linked their lives with science. Also, fluorite strengthens memory, helps to concentrate on really important things, giving its owner peace of mind and harmony.

Fluorite is recommended for people who are accustomed to act quickly and make decisions, as it allows you to find the right path. It also improves intuition, a beneficial effect on all spheres of human life, depriving him of chaos and unrest. At the same time, the stone adds self-confidence, depriving complexes, fears and self-doubt. Light stones are used as children's amulets to protect babies about environmental hazards.

The magical properties of the stone, depending on its color

The effect of fluorite affects its color:

  • Transparent - influences the seventh chakra, charging a person's aura with energy, giving him spiritual and intellectual harmony. An important feature - a transparent mineral will enhance the effectiveness of other stones, which is very important for healing procedures.

  • Yellow - a stone of creative people, as well as those who are in a large team. Yellow fluorite removes toxins, cleanses the liver and lowers cholesterol.

  • Violet - able to open the "third eye", used for meditation. The stone also heals bone and bone marrow diseases.

  • Green - heals spiritual wounds, removing the negative and cleansing the aura of its owner. Healing properties - treats intestinal and gastric disorders.

  • Blue - heals eye diseases and also cures diseases of the ears, nose and throat. In general, the stone has a beneficial effect on the body, increasing the potential of the immune system. It also increases creativity and directs energy in the right direction.

To whom does fluorite suit the sign of the zodiac?

It is worth noting that fluorite is a stone that affects every sign of the zodiac in completely different ways. The impact of the mineral on people born under different signs of the zodiac:

  • Capricorn - a stone will make a person more courageous and decisive, will give him confidence in himself and his abilities.
  • Aquarius - develops creative excitement, granting success in all endeavors.
  • Pisces - helps in school and work, and at the same time allows you to find spiritual balance and assess your capabilities.
  • Aries - the mineral will give peace of mind and harmony.
  • Taurus - the owner of the stone will become more concentrated, so that it can achieve incredible heights in the career ladder.
  • Gemini - reliable protection from hazards and stress. In the case of a strong load, the stone can collapse, taking all the negative with itself.
  • Cancer - will make the owner realistic, giving peace of mind and removing the nervousness.
  • Lion - will give harmony, removing the emotional storm and temper.
  • Virgo - will establish family life, giving harmony with relatives.
  • Scales - removes negative, protects from enemies.
  • Scorpio - self-control and harmony with the inner world.
  • Sagittarius - the use of fluorite is not recommended.


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