Tattoo - a great way to express yourself, which is in great demand in the modern world. Among the many sketches of men and girls often choose images of animalistic or botanical themes. However, the most popular option are diagrams, symbols, and signs that have a regular geometric shape. Among all sketches with similar images, the wind rose tattoo is considered the most popular option. The wind rose is a polygon that is in great demand among men. Girls also do not bypass this symbol side, because a rose is a symbol of sincere, undying love and beauty.

Tattoo Windrose: History

For the first time, this sign was used by sailors and men who closely connected their lives with the sea. The reason for this lies in the fact that in ancient times the stars served as a guide for a sea vessel, and the sea winds were the main companions.Since there were no technologies, the wind and the stars are the only means to evaluate the route and its correctness, and it was impossible to change the direction on our own. For this reason, the tattoo with the image of the wind rose symbolized the helper, capable of leading the sailors to the right path and personified their guardian angel.

A little later, not only sailors, but also pirates began to use a tattoo with a pattern of wind roses on themselves. Later tattoo wind rose became popular among the prisoners, after which it was considered their symbol, allowing to designate the representatives of the highest caste. At the moment, the tattoo of the wind rose has remained almost unchanged, the sketch should contain rays of the same length, directions to all sides of the world, while the roses are depicted stylized as the Polar Star. In general, the number of rays can be both four and sixteen, it all depends on the selected sketch.

The value of tattoo wind rose

The wind rose is a symbol that is associated not only with the cardinal points, but also symbolizes the number of seasons, human temperaments, elements, etc. In general, this symbol serves as an indicator of diversity in any of the manifestations, indicating the importance of the center, symbolizing the "golden mean." The symbol is ideal for those who love freedom and travel, independence from the environment, circumstances or people. Also tattoo wind rose will always remind its owner that everything is only in his hands.

The tattoo of the wind rose can symbolize the life path, its search, or serve as a symbol of the fact that the right choice has already been made, while tattooing will be the personification of success in cases devoid of risk. The wind rose is a symbol of victory over difficulties and obstacles, demonstrating the success and well-being of the solutions and tasks that were set earlier. Some use the wind rose tattoo as a symbol of returning home, love of native places, to which you can return regardless of the surrounding situation and circumstances.

Also, many believe that the wind rose, along with the compass, can serve as a symbol for strong, goal-oriented and self-confident people. Sometimes the wind rose is used as a symbol of well-being, luck and good luck, because people with such an image on their bodies always easily overcome life difficulties and blows of fate. Many believe that this symbol is capable of becoming a talisman, a guiding element that does not allow to stray from the correct path. Another meaning of the tattoo is the wind rose - honor and courage, valor and courage.

Value for men and girls

In general, tattoo with a pattern of wind roses can be used by both men and girls, because the value of tattoos is universal. However, in the old days there were no girls of the seamen, in fact, as now, therefore drawing is not very popular among women. As for men, for them it is a symbol of dedication and independence, which serves as a talisman and helps in achieving the goals set.

Of particular importance is the wind rose tattoo for prisoners in prison. As you know, prison laws prohibit impaling tattoos that do not correspond to the status and position of the prisoner. Those who tried to rise in the eyes of other prisoners with false truthful tricks were quickly calculated, after which they were severely punished.

Tattooing the wind rose in the criminal world has about the same meaning as for pirates. Here, the wind rose is a symbol of “thieves” prisoners, often thieves in law (while tattooing is applied on the shoulders - as if “crowning” the criminal). Also, the wind rose on your body is used "denied" or rebels.

Tattoo wind rose on the arm, shoulders and other parts of the body.

When choosing a body part for a tattoo, it is important to choose a sketch as well as the size of the tattoo. In general, men most often tattooed with a wind rose tattooed on the shoulder, forearm, or wrist. Less popular areas of the body are the chest, ribs or calves on the legs.As for the color range, then viewing the finished work, you can definitely say that the tattoo wind rose is printed in black or gray. Sometimes there are tattoos where they use sea shades, for example, green, blue or purple.

It is also crucial to know where prisoners use this symbol on their body. Often the prison wind rose is depicted under the collarbone or on the shoulders (symbol of thieves in law), as well as on the knees, which symbolizes the power of the spirit. The meaning of the wind rose on my lap - I will not kneel.

Choice of style and sketch

At the moment, among the great variety of styles, the old school cheekbones are very popular, which is considered ideal for a wind rose tattoo. Also in demand is an image in the style of minimalism, the peculiarity of which lies in the simplicity and brevity, the maximum simplicity of the sign. Also, the tattoo can be supplemented with various elements made in the following styles:

  • Dot.
  • Graphics.
  • Watercolor.
  • Realism.

As for the sketches, the wind rose is often depicted as an independent subject. However, the wind rose is a symbol of a maritime theme, which is why many complement it with ships, a lighthouse or a compass, thanks to which you can create a unique and attractive composition.


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