At the moment, the number of sketches to create a tattoo is so large that everyone can easily choose the best option. Among all the many drawings, tattoo amulets are especially popular. Many are skeptical of ancient symbols, talismans and amulets, considering them as ordinary drawings that do not have magical power. Others, on the contrary, respect these images, treat them with care, believing that they will protect from evil forces and attract good luck. So where is the truth? Do they really have a protective and magical power? Unknown. In this case, one thing can be said - everyone has the right to decide for himself whether to believe in their power or not.

However, tattoo amulets are very popular, which proves belief in their reality and magical meaning. It is worth noting that the protective symbols were in almost every culture, so to understand them and their meanings is not so easy. The main task is to find out the exact meaning of the picture before applying it on the body.The thing is that some images are suitable only for a girl, others only for men, and there are those that cannot be used at all.


Types of tattoos depicting amulets

At the moment, a tattoo is an original way to express your individuality, as well as a stylish accessory and body ornament. But in ancient times the tattoo was more respectful, they were used to display the history of their life, belonging to a tribe, or to protect against evil spirits and forces.

Among the modern tattoo amulets should highlight the following areas:

  • Images of animals, for example, totem.
  • Ancient symbols, crosses and runes (Slavic or runic).
  • Portraits of pagan gods.

Choosing the theme of the drawing and the sketch to create a tattoo, it is important to find out the exact value of the drawing, check it on several sources to eliminate the possibility of error. Some signs protect, others attract good luck. You also need to understand that there are characters that only girls can use, others only men. Usually such a strict division in Slavic symbols, for example, Bereginya is a powerful female energy industry, and the square of Svarog is a symbol of courage and strength.

Tattoo charms for girls

As you know, there are universal signs, as well as those that are selected depending on gender. As for the female tattoos, they are usually symbols that are associated with Slavic goddesses.

Types of female tattoos depicting amulets:

  • Bereginya - displays a large female energy. If you do everything according to your conscience and remember your ancestors, then there will be order in the house, and fate will be favorable.
  • Ladybug - a symbol of fertility and motherhood. The Scandinavian peoples believed that a talisman with her image would help the girls find their sincere and eternal love.
  • The Star of Lada is a protective symbol used to protect a pregnant woman and her future baby. The symbol is able to influence the character, makes a woman kinder and wiser, and her childbirth passes without complications.
  • Ladinets is a symbol of happiness and love, protecting the home and family hearth from problems. The rays of the charm should be directed to the left side, and it should rotate to the right, as this is the female direction.
  • Lunnitsa is a talisman for young girls who protect them from damage and the evil eye, for example, against infertility. Also, the tattoo protects against love spells.

Men's tattoo amulets

Among the exclusively male characters worth noting:

  • Valkyrie - the oldest guardian that the soldiers put on their armor, because he helped in battle, and also allowed to preserve military honor.
  • Svarog Square - for men who are passionate about physical labor. The symbol develops ingenuity, helps to properly distribute the forces to achieve maximum results.
  • Kolyadnik - a symbol of wisdom and good luck, allows you to succeed in any right cause.
  • A solar or Celtic cross is a magical symbol that fills a man with strength of mind, courage and courage, faith in the rightness of his cause, his life mission. The ancient warriors used the cross to win battles, putting it on swords and shields.

Animal Warding Tattoo

In ancient times, tattoo amulets with animals were very popular, and every living creature was endowed with a special meaning:

  • The grasshopper is a symbol of creative people, allowing to achieve success in their affairs, as well as gain material well-being.
  • Elk - life without problems and diseases.
  • Spider - protects from disease and evil, removes laziness and attracts the muse to creative people.
  • A bee is a very strong symbol that gives a person hard work and long life, while making its owner more wise and experienced.
  • Pelican - a symbol of good people seeking self-improvement.
  • The scarab is a symbol of the immortality of the soul, banishes anxiety, stress, allows you to know yourself and your inner world.

Slavic and Scandinavian tattoos amulets

Runic symbols are a special kind of amulets of tremendous power and magical significance. The rune consists of a sign-form, sound and the rune itself.It is necessary to approach the choice of characters with extreme caution, they are not recommended to be combined into words, because you can not harmoniously combine characters than attract a lot of trouble.

Some Slavic runes amulets:

  • Steal - clears the mind of superfluous, allowing you to focus on the most important.
  • The world is a symbol of creative people, allowing them to discover their talent and potential.
  • Overpowering grass is the best defense against disease.
  • Rainbow - a symbol of travelers, facilitates their path. It can be perceived in a different sense - an easy way of life.
  • Lelya - a symbol of prosperity and joy, improves human intuition.

As for the Scandinavian runes of charms, among them the following symbols are especially popular:

  • Ur - a positive outcome in all affairs and fate in general, improves health and helps to "rise from the ashes."
  • Horn - success in career and personal life, protection from the evil eye and damage.
  • Jera - a symbol of well-being and good mood.
  • Maine - helps to choose the right way of life, the owners of such images often become more kind and open.
  • Ken - protection from sorrow and misfortune, disease and enemies. Keeps love and friendship, protecting them from quarrels and disagreements.


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