Recently, the tattoo is gaining more and more popularity, because it is an original way of self-expression and decoration of your body. Among the many sketches popular is the dream catcher tattoo. This is an ancient symbol of business cards of the culture of the Indians of North America.

It is believed that the dream catcher acts as a protective amulet that can save a person during his sleep, because at this time he is completely defenseless. The dreamcatcher is endowed with a deep sacred meaning, which must not only be realized, but also respected. Most guys and girls this image attracts with its beauty, originality and mystery.

Dream Catcher: meaning

A tattoo depicting a dream catcher is considered one of the most attractive and meaningful in meaning, for the first time it was used by Indians, for whom a dream catcher is considered a calling card. In the modern world tattooing attracts young girls with its beauty and mystery.Dreamcatcher was able to unite in itself the pinnacle of beauty and style of an Indian tattoo, having collected a huge semantic load, having a symbolic sacral meaning.

As you know, the dream catcher is a famous Indian talisman and charm, which includes a web, placed in a circle to which feathers are tied. In some cases, wooden beads or branches of a vine were woven into the web, it is also important to pay attention to the number of feathers, there may be several or vice versa, painting and decorating the charm in various colors and colors.

In the old days, the dream catcher weaved from a willow branch and a deer lived, decorating the circle with owl or eagle feathers. It was customary to hang the charm in the bedroom or at the head of the bed, so people tried to scare away bad thoughts and bad dreams. In the future, the inhabitants of the tribes began to carry a dream catcher with them, using it as a national wearable tattoo.

The main meaning of the dream catcher was explained as follows: the web in the amulet catches negative dreams and thoughts, missing only positive thoughts. Thus, the dream catcher allowed to enjoy a strong and peaceful sleep, while the evil spirits could not get close to the person at the moment when he was least protected thanks to the protective amulet. Also, North American Indians combined the image of a dream catcher with images of totem animals, for example, a wolf or a bear, placing a wolfish grin or a bear's paw print in the center of the circle.

No less popular tattoo was among the inhabitants of Siberia, but in most cases this amulet was used by priests and shamans to memorize their visions, to have a stronger connection with the subconscious. In the modern world, a tattoo depicting a dream catcher is made in order to get to know yourself, to gain spiritual and inner experience. Even now, this tattoo remains a special relationship, saturated with respect and caution. In addition to the talisman and charm, the dream catcher attracts with its brightness and originality.

Experts recommend to put the image of the dream catcher on the shoulder or neck, so that the amulet is as close as possible to the head, soaked in thoughts. It is worth noting that the dream catcher tattoo has no defensive power without a deep knowledge of the symbol and faith in it. In addition to tattoos, the dream catcher is used as decoration - earrings, bracelets and necklaces.

Dream Catcher Tattoo: Meaning for Girls and Guys

According to statistics, the image of the dream catcher is more popular with girls, as it attracts them with its originality and beauty. The main meaning of a tattoo is a charm, protection from evil thoughts and bad surroundings. Often, girls complement the subject with additional elements, creating an attractive picture. Among the popular options to complement the tattoo - roses, dolls, rowan branches, etc. Owl feathers - a symbol of wisdom, heart - love.

As for men, they are not fans of various decorations, using the dream catcher as an independent subject. A strong sex can add to the dream catcher with the paw of a bear or a wolf grin, strengthening the magical properties of the amulet. As feathers guys use feathers of an eagle symbolizing courage and courage.

Dream Catcher Tattoo: original sketches with birds, animals and other elements.

In order to enhance the magical power of the image, the dream catcher is supplemented with various totem animals:

  • Lion - increases self-esteem, demonstrates leadership, is a symbol of courage. Ideal for strong-willed men who are able to overcome any obstacles.
  • Lizard - increases credibility, improves human ability in oratory, reveals diplomatic skills.
  • Wolf - enhances the already strong points of man, makes its owner more powerful, intelligent and agile.
  • The dragon is a symbol of greatness, wisdom, beauty and justice.
  • Tiger - the power and rage, the best option for people who have linked their lives with power structures.
  • Black flock of birds - cunning and deceit.
  • Soaring birds - a symbol of love, the desire for something sublime, the personification of freedom.
  • Owl - wisdom, reliable amulet from nightmares, stability of character.
  • Raven is a life energy and wisdom, a symbol of longevity.
  • Swallow - success and physical strength.

Also, the dream catcher can be used as an unfinished circle, in which case it will look like a horseshoe and not only protects against negativity, but will also attract success. Very often, the dream catcher is supplemented with various objects, symbols and elements, among which it should be noted:

  • Beads on the web - goals and dreams, the number of which is equal to the number of desires of the tattoo owner. A large number of beads - a symbol of hope for a bright future.
  • The skull is a terrible power.
  • Feathers - lightness, the vital need for freedom.
  • Rose - a symbol of love and passion, purity and integrity.
  • Rings with flowers - loyalty and devotion.
  • Feathers in free flight - honesty, openness and peacefulness.
  • Eagle feathers - courage and strength.
  • Owl feathers - femininity, beauty, tenderness and wisdom.


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