A tattoo with a lotus flower is very popular lately among girls. Before choosing a sketch of such a symbol, you need to know what it means: the lotus is thousands of mysteries, the personification of perfection, eternity, true harmony, spiritual purity and continuous self-development. Of course, many people put their own special meaning into such a tattoo, displaying to them some important event in life or personal beliefs, a position towards certain things. Consider the basic meanings of tattoo lotus, which are assumed to be national traditions and world culture.

Value tattoo lotus

This flower grows in many countries around the world, so it has fallen into almost all cultures, becoming part of the traditions and beliefs of various peoples. The main ones to promote ideas about this flower are Buddhists and Hindus who have grown up on ancient traditions.

These peoples often use tattoos with the image of a lotus flower, showing their desire to get rid of illusions, to force themselves and their creation to awakening. According to some legends, the Buddha himself was born from a large lotus flower. This refers to the Prince Gauthum, his essence, which is always reborn. As for the symbolism of the tattoo, everything is quite simple. The lotus is a flower that begins its growth at the bottom of the lake, where there is no beauty or light, but only dirt and animal remains. At the same time, the flower does not give up, directing its growth upwards, as a result a beautiful and charming flower appears on the surface of the water.

This plant was in culture and religion not only among Buddhists. Lotus is a symbol of honor in Assyria, Phenicia, Egypt and Hittite culture. He was perceived as a symbol of death and rebirth of man, the lotus - the embodiment of the idea of ​​reincarnation. In Greece, the lotus was a symbol of the goddess Aphrodite.

China is the most ancient civilization, which also paid special attention to this flower. For their people, the lotus is a favorable symbol, meaning luck and luck in all creative endeavors. In Tibet, the lotus was a symbol of incomprehensible and mysterious things for human perception. The Japanese put their meaning into the lotus flower, making it a symbol of chastity and innocence of girls.

Tattoo lotus: what does this flower symbolize?

Many consider the lotus to be a symbol of the unity of opposites, of light and darkness, walking side by side, unable to exist without each other. The roots of this flower go to the ground, symbolizing the feminine, while the lot itself tends upwards to the sun, showing the inner harmony of the two beginnings of man, a successful combination of yin and yang in the body of the tattoo owner.

Great importance is given to the color used to create a lotus tattoo:

  • Red color is a symbol of love. Often these tattoos are paired; the name of the partner fits inside them.
  • Pink - divinity, purity and perfection.
  • White - a thirst for development and spiritual enrichment.
  • Blue is a symbol of humility and wisdom.
  • Watercolor using bright colors - a symbol of people who want to attract the attention of others, with the help of an extraordinary act and an original approach to its implementation.
  • Black is power, originality. Often use creative and artistic personalities, as well as people involved in martial arts.
  • Lotus with carp - a symbol of good luck and happiness.
  • Lotus with a dragon - a symbol of strong-willed people who want to be a leader in life.
  • Egyptian lotus - a symbol of immortality.

Tattoo lotus for girls and guys

The lotus is a convenient and neutral symbol, symbolizing the combination of opposites in the character peculiar to girls:

  • Strength and endurance combined with femininity.
  • Chastity and fertility.
  • Moderation and calmness combined with vigor and wild passion.

It is important to remember that much depends on the location of the lotus tattoo, because it should look beautiful and natural. Many believe that the tattoo should be on public display, while others hide it, leaving the tattoo an intimate part of the body. Areas of the female body where the tattoo will look most appropriate:

  • Back - in this case, the lotus is located in the center between the shoulder blades or on one of them. In this case, the lotus must have the appearance of an already blossoming flower.
  • Neck - a symbol of awakening and creative aspirations of the girl.
  • Waist - for a sketch, it is better to give preference to images that include not only a lotus, but also other flowers or an ornament.
  • Ankle or ankle - a symbol of femininity.
  • Navel - use the blooming lotus, symbolizing femininity and fertility.
  • Under the breast - use girls of informal subcultures or women who are fond of the eastern direction in culture and religion.
  • Also tattoo can be located on the wrist or on the leg.
  • Some girls decide on a lotus tattoo on their breasts, but here they need a good master to do the work, otherwise the tattoo will be unsuccessful and vulgar.
  • Hip - the best option for slim and attractive girls who want to demonstrate their femininity and tenderness.

Lotus is a female flower and symbol, however some guys also use it to create a tattoo on their body, showing their spiritual aspiration. Body areas where a lotus tattoo can be used for a man:

  • Hand - adding a decorative elements to the lotus can make the picture more interesting and original. It is important that the tattoo remained concise.
  • The base of the neck, shoulder blade or shoulder.
  • Loins.

Lotus tattoo: sketches

In order for the drawing to be beautiful and organic it is necessary to find a good master who is able to choose the optimal sketch and color scheme for creating a lotus tattoo. The drawing can be stylized as China, India and others east of the country or it can be performed in psychedelic style. A monochrome image is not popular now, so it’s better to give preference to a color picture, paying attention to the choice of colors, given the importance of certain shades.

The watercolor style is very popular, but when working with it it is important to pay attention to the quality of paints, otherwise they will float and spoil the picture. Also often use graphics or geometric patterns that can make the image more interesting and mysterious.


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