The cat's heart beats about 140 beats per minute. For comparison, the human heart beats an average of 75 beats per minute.

These animals are capable of making 100 different sounds. Dogs are capable of making only 10 kinds of sounds.

Meowing cats are trying to draw the attention of man.

BAFRINO concept in feed production

The mustache needed by the cat to move in space.

All cats, without exception, love valerian.

Cats do not like candy, because they do not feel the sweet taste.

All cats have farsightedness, so it is difficult for them to make out objects near.

Excessive love for cats is called Isurofilia.

The cat sleeps most of the day, and the rest of the time is devoted to caring for herself.

Australia is a country in which about 90% of residents have settled cats in their homes.

Kittens, as well as small children have milk teeth.

The cat is not able to sweat. Only the paw pads are moistened.

The cat is the only animal that can survive a fall from a nine-story building.

Such an animal as a cat is very persistent. She is able to meow without a break for several hours.

In case of danger, the cat is able to run at a speed of 48 km / h.

Kidney cats are able to filter salt. Thanks to this feature, the animal is able to drink seawater.

The kitten is able to have a dream within one week after birth.

The cat's nose is unique because it has a unique imprint.

Growth hormone in a kitten is produced only in a dream.

A cat rubs against a man’s leg in order to mark him as his territory.

Four-legged pet is able to reduce the risk of a heart attack in the owner.

Despite the low social level of IQ, cats are able to solve non-standard tasks.

Cow milk should not be given to cats, since many animals have lactose intolerance.

About 20 muscles are responsible for the movement of the cat's ears.

An adult animal has 30 teeth.

In the Middle Ages, on the feast day of St. John, cats were burned at the stake, because they believed that they were involved in black magic.

In Australia and the UK, a black cat brings good luck.

If the cat does not bury its feces, it means that it shows aggression towards the owner, making it clear that she is not afraid of anything.

The cat licks itself in order to get rid of foreign smell.

The animal is able to recognize the voice of its owner, but in most cases ignores it.

The most famous litter consisted of 19 kittens, of which only 15 survived.

The cat named Stubbs was the mayor of Talkitna, who has been in Alaska for 15 years.

About 4 million cats eat up in Asia annually.

By expressing love for a man, the cat manifests itself by raising its tail up, being near the owner.

Feeling pleasure, the animal spreads its fingers and retracts its claws.
Wild cats are not able to lift the tail up.

The cat's body consists of 517 muscles.

The skeleton of a cat contains 40 bones more than the human skeleton.

The cat lives on average 6 years.

Cat's body temperature is 38 degrees.

The cat hates the smell of tangerines and lemons.

The animal is able to determine the mood of a person.

During protection, the cat presses the ears to the head. At the time of the attack, the ears move apart.

Cats are capable of anticipating natural disasters. In the event of an earthquake, the animal leaves the building in advance.

The cat is able to jump to a height exceeding its height by 5 times.

The progenitor of cats is considered to be pro-ilurus, which means "first cat". The animal inhabited the planet 30 million years ago.

Only a cat breed of Turkish Van, loves to swim.

Cats are not able to chew large pieces of meat. This is due to the fact that their jaw can not move to the sides.

A domestic cat can survive at a temperature of 57 degrees. At the same time she must have a large amount of water.

About 40 thousand people suffer from cat bites in the USA every year.

A cat can turn its ear 180 degrees.

Cats prefer to eat foods that have room temperature.

The cat does not know how to go down from the tree upside down. This is due to the fact that her claws are slightly bent.

In ancient Egypt, for the smuggling of cats, criminals were punished with murder.

Egyptians worshiped a cat-headed goddess.

The most popular breed is the Persian cat.

The most ancient breed of cats is considered - Mau.

The cat has 12 pairs of whiskers.

According to the original work “Cinderella”, the good fairy was a cat.

Bundles of hair in the ears, protect the animal from falling directional sound.

The flexibility of the cat's spine is possible due to the presence of 53 vertebrae.

The Japanese believe that after death the cat turns into a spirit.

In 1871 the first cat show was organized in London.

About 60 million feral cats live in the USA.

Kotu named Blackie, the owner bequeathed $ 18 million.

The claws on the front legs are significantly sharper than the claws on the hind legs.

The record holder is the cat Andy. After falling from the 16th floor, he remained alive.

The cat sharpens claws about furniture because it marks its territory.

Bringing mice home, cats show that they eat their bread for good reason.

Cats love to drink tap water. This is due to the fact that cats love to drink fresh water.

When it is difficult for a cat to make a choice, it wags its tail in different directions.

Cats have a rough tongue resembling sandpaper. In such a language, the animal is easier to lick wool.

With age, the cat's eye color may change.

On the front paws of the cat there are 5 fingers, and on the hind legs there are only 4.

To cope with the Egyptians, Assyrian warriors tied cats to their shields. The defenders of Egypt could not strike the sacred animal.

In Japan, the cat is a symbol of the hearth.

The only animal that cannot be found on the pages of the bible is a cat.

For the first time, cats were seen in Europe in 900 BC.

Approximately 95% of people talk with cats.

In one minute, the cat takes 30 breaths and exhales.

Cats unpleasantly enclosed space.

A cat should not be given dog food, as there is little protein in it.

Cat activity increases in the evening.

The cat takes food from the bowl because she does not like it when food comes into contact with the walls of the cup.

During illness, the cat hides in a remote place.

Cat named Kuzya, living in Yekaterinburg, defended mice, left without his mother.

Cats use their right paw for work, and cats use their left paw.

The most expensive cat is Little Nicky. Its cost is 50 thousand dollars.

Cat's eyes are able to see in the dark.

Aspirin is poison for cats.

Male territory requires 10 times more than the female.

The weight of the smallest adult cat was 680 grams.

The length of the body, a cat named Stewie is 123 centimeters.

Record life expectancy of a cat is 39 years old.

On 1 square centimeter, cats have 20155 hairs.

If a cat lies on its back, it expresses its confidence in the person.

When a cat can not catch prey, she starts to knock her teeth.

The life span of a cat is 5 times shorter than a human one.

The largest wild cat is the Amur tiger.

Cats like getting food for free.


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