“A dog is a man’s best friend” is a good old quotation, a popular phrase, and the truth! But how much do we know about our friends? Various breeds, specific behavior, endless devotion to the owner - not all that can surprise pets. Today we will reveal 50 interesting facts that will help to understand our favorites even more.

  1. Dogs love to sleep on their master's bed, and these - 50%.

2. The most common problem among dogs is obesity. So, if you have a growing “burly”, this is a reason to think about and take action!

3. For the first time animal rights were spelled out in Japanese law in the 18th century. According to the law, the death penalty was awarded for killing a dog, and people are obliged to appeal to homeless dogs as “Your Honor”.

4. The Bible mentions dogs 14 times.

5. The highest dog is the Great Dane. Its height on its hind legs reaches 2.2 meters.

6. Consider, the dog perceives you as the leader of the pack.

7. The dog doesn’t like your hug. For her, it is a signal of dominance.

8. A big dog is having a hard time in the house.And the smallest breed is Chihuahua. The smallest weighs 900 grams, and its growth, like a can of Coca-Cola.

9. The oldest dog is 30 years old. In relation to human life, this is more than 200 years. In 2013, the venerable terrier reached 30 years.

10. Sometimes dogs behave like people: they can drink very quickly, and even hiccup at dinner.

11. Did you know that the number of teeth in an adult dog is one and a half times larger than in a puppy? For information, in a puppy - 28, in an adult - 42 teeth.

12. In New Zealand, conducted an experiment. As it turned out, the three dogs drove quite well behind the wheel of a car on a straight road and even learned to turn!

13. The familiar “@” character is known to all of us as the “dog”, but this is only ours! For example, in the Czech Republic it is herring, in Kazakhstan - the moon ear, in other countries - strudel, snail, monkey.


14. The total number of genuine breeds is 703 species.

15. In long-nosed dogs, the internal cooling mechanism is more efficient.

16. Vision in a puppy begins to develop well only at the age of 1 month.

17. Taste receptors in dogs are much poorer than humans: 1700 versus 9000 - the difference is significant!

18. Keep in mind, the dog's sense of smell is hundreds of thousands of times stronger than a human, so keep your goodies in a safe place.

19. By the way, about delicacies. Chocolate is a dangerous sweetness for a dog. The substance contained in it, destroys the nervous system of the animal. Yes, and the heart has a destructive effect. In the human body, it is broken down by enzymes.

20. Like newborn babies in humans, Chihuahua puppies are born with fountain springs. This is a soft spot in the upper cranial zone, which gradually hardens with age.

21. Intellectual development of dogs, like a two-year-old child. They can count up to 5, they understand about 300 gestures and words, they even successfully cope with elementary arithmetic problems.

22. In a large dog, the heartbeat in the normal state is 70-100 beats per 1 minute - the same as in humans. In small breeds - from 100 to 140.

23. It is thanks to the wet nose, the dog easily determines where the smell comes from.

24. The exotic name of the breed “Chihuahua” appeared in honor of the Mexican state, where they found these miniature crumbs.

25. Dog “Boxer” well, loves to play with the front paws, where the name of its breed actually came from.

26. First-class places in Titanic rescued three dogs from death. Pekingese, Newfoundland and Pomeranian Spitz miraculously survived.

27. On the paws of purebred dogs “Lundehund” six fingers each.

28. Dog owners are 65% more mobile than those who do not have favorite pets.

29. Dogs - the direct descendants of wolves.

30. When a dog drinks, its tongue resembles the shape of a spoon, but only wrapped down.

31. Before starting an important action or deed, the dog instinctively requires approval and praise from the leader.

32. In Russia, stray dogs have learned to use the subway for their own purposes. To get food, they confidently ride from one station to another in search of the most populated areas.

33. Once in Greece invented studded collars that protected dogs from wolf aggression.


34. The dog evaluates the object first by watching the movement, then it draws attention to the brightness and only at the end to the form.

35. In the name of the dog, the Canary Islands got their name. The inhabitants of the dog were on a par with the gods. By the way, in honor of these same islands, the birds were called canaries.

36. At the dog already 3 pairs of eyelids - lower, upper and flashing.

37. In 1988, in America, at the customs, dogs Barko and Rocchi patrolled the border between Mexico and Texas so effectively (the so-called cocaine alley zone) that it delighted the drug barons, who were then offered for their 30 thousand dollars.

38. The dog hears ultrasounds well. Considering this, Paul McCartney added this sound to his beloved dog at the end of “A Day In The Life”.

39. In 1994, a record of the fastest Greyhound breed was recorded. Its maximum is 67.3 km per hour. To this day, the record remains the same.

40. In ancient China, the emperor's spare defensive “weapon” was a Pekingese mini-dog.Hiding in the sleeve of their leader, sensing danger, he immediately attacked the enemies.

41. During the time of Ancient Russia, according to the law of the XIV century, the dog was a very valuable animal - it could be exchanged for 3 best horses, a flock of sheep or 1 ox.

42. Korean scientist in 2005 for the first time produced a dog cloning. Today, the procedure can be repeated for 100 thousand dollars.

43. When the dog of the outstanding future poet Lord Byron was not allowed to go to Cambridge College, he made a kind of protest, bringing a bear cub with him.

44. Women from Mississippi were extremely outraged by the fact that occurred in the USSR. After all, everyone knew what fate awaits Laika, who flew into space. Housewives wrote a letter to the United Nations with a proposal to use the Little Indians for scientific experiments: “We have as many souls as we want,” they protested, “and for the experiment, as it turned out, there is no difference whether they are living creatures or not!”

45. “Exit dry from water” is an expression that actually refers to Newfoundland dogs. And in fact, they do not get wet in the water, and the membranes on the paws allow them to swim perfectly.

46. ​​Hollywood star - a dog? It sounds weird, but it's a fact! In the collection of the German Shepherd Dog Rin Tin Tin there are as many as 22 agreements for filming movies. And he signed them with a paw print.

47. The specific smell from your pet, resembling chips, is not yet a reason to punish him for theft. The reason may be microbes that have accumulated on the paws, which smell of chips. So first of all watch hygiene!

48. The dog is a predator by nature, therefore the food should be predominantly protein animal, and less carbohydrate (cereal, potatoes, etc.)

49. Dog boxer and goose became best friends after the irreparable happened: the dog was blind after the accident. Gus did not leave the animal in trouble, but became a guide for him, directing him with shouts and neck.

50. Hearing dogs are 10 times more sensitive than human, therefore 70% of owners believe that their pets successfully predict a storm.

And finally, the last 51st fact was found: when a dog wags its tail to the left, this is an alarming signal. Be on the alert!


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