
  1. What if clothes are stained with paint?
  2. Remove stains from hair dye
  3. Removal of traces from water-based paint
  4. Paint Stains for Painting
  5. Remove acrylic stains
  6. Removing oil paint stains
  7. Recommendations

Stains from paint on clothes are familiar to everyone. Children gave them to someone, playing and coloring everything around, others had their clothes damaged by repairs or careless handling of hair dye. In general, wherever the spots are, they spoil the appearance of clothes, so they need to be eliminated. It is not as easy to make as it may seem, especially if these spots are old and ate well into the fabric of the product. If the thing is old or tired, then it can be thrown out or transferred to the home. But what to do if the clothes feel sorry to throw? In this case, we recommend reading this article, thanks to which every housewife will find the answer to her main question - how to remove old stains of paint from clothes at home?

What if clothes are stained with paint?

Immediately it should be noted, albeit obvious, but the fact is that it is much easier to remove a fresh stain than it was ingrained. In this case, the actions do not suffer:

  • The first step is to assess the damage and the size of the spot.
  • Try to remove the paint with a rag or napkin before it is absorbed into the fabric. It is necessary not to rub the stain, but to soak it, otherwise it will only become larger.
  • When cleaning, you need to make movements from the edges of the spot to its center.
  • Use laundry soap and a brush. This option is universal and will help with stains from any paint. It is enough to soap the stain and rub it thoroughly, then wash the clothes in a washing machine.

If this does not help and the traces remain or even worse absorbed into the fibers, then you need to move to more radical measures. In this case, it is important to take into account the nature of the stain, or rather the type of paint that spoiled the favorite thing.

Remove stains from hair dye

Removing traces of hair dye is actually quite difficult, as it has a special chemical composition and is resistant to detergents. So is it possible to remove traces of hair dye? You can do this if:

  • Wash clothes.
  • Try to remove the stain with hairspray.
  • If the clothes are light, then you can use hydrogen peroxide. To do this, it is enough to soak the contaminated area in the peroxide, wait 30 minutes, and then send the clothes to the laundry.
  • 9% vinegar can remove the stain from hair dye, it is especially effective when cleaning wool and synthetic clothes.
  • If the cotton thing is white, then you can use the "Whiteness". Bleaching powder, diluted in cold water, easily removes traces of paint, if you soak clothes in it, leaving it there for 2-3 hours.

Important! When working with bleach, you need to take care of safety by wearing rubber gloves.

  • Hair dye with henna is easily removed with a solution of water, hydrogen peroxide and ammonia.

Removal of traces from water-based paint

Usually such stains remain after repair work. The easiest way to remove these traces with alcohol:

  • Stretch clothes so that the trail of water-based paint was before your eyes.
  • Soak a cotton swab with alcohol.
  • Treat contaminated area.
  • Wash off leftovers with cold running water.
  • Wash in a washing machine, setting the normal mode. Most likely, the washing will need to be repeated 2-3 times.

Paint Stains for Painting

If there are traces of acrylic paint or gouache on clothes, you can wash them off with water. If the stains are old and already well absorbed, then you can use one of the proposed methods:

  • Keep the polluted area under running cold water for 15 minutes so that the vertical water jet mechanically removes the paint particles from the fabric fibers.
  • For dark things, you can use laundry soap, for light things - bleach. In both cases, it is enough to apply the agent on the clothes and after 15 minutes send it to the laundry.
  • Gouache is an oil-based paint, so a mixture of oxalic acid and ammonia in a 1: 1 ratio will help to remove stains from it. It is enough to mix the substances and put them on the spot. After waiting 30 minutes, clothes can be sent to the washing machine.

Remove acrylic stains

To eliminate the traces of acrylic paint there are several methods. In simple cases, it is enough to soak the clothes in cold water and leave them for a couple of hours, then fix them with dishwashing detergent or household soap. If the problem turned out to be more serious, and it was not possible to eliminate the stain in this way, then you can use more aggressive methods:

  • Use solvents (refined gasoline, white spirit or acetone). Handle them with care, as they are not suitable for all types of fabrics. Before you send the item in the laundry after cleaning, it must be rinsed with cold water.
  • You can use a glass cleaner or hair spray.In this case, you need to spray the wet spot with a means and rub it with a sponge in two directions. After this thing you need to rinse and wash.
  • An equally effective option is to create a mixture of hot water, washing powder (liquid soap) and a couple of tablespoons of 9% vinegar.
  • Sustainable contamination is easy to clean with vinegar and ammonia. You can increase the efficiency of the method by adding fine salt to the solution. Saturated cotton discs, they need to rub the stain until it disappears, after which the clothes are sent to the wash.
  • The use of isopropyl alcohol is another reliable tool in the fight against acrylic paint stains. It is enough to buy alcohol at a pharmacy, treat them with a stain and scrape it off with a toothpick or other sharp object.
  • With a white cloth, you can remove stains with oxygen bleach. To do this, just put it on the stain and leave for an hour, then rinse the clothes and send it to the washing machine.

Important! Whichever of the proposed methods is chosen, it needs a preliminary test.

Removing oil paint stains

In this case, the methods for dealing with traces of paint are no less, but not all of them are safe. The fact is that aggressive means can ruin a thing, change its color or destroy fibers. Before choosing any of the methods described above, make sure that it fits by testing it on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing.

In order to remove old stains from oil paint you need:

  • Soften the stain by soaking it overnight in kerosene or turpentine. The fat trail from the liquid can be eliminated with starch, baking soda, or liquid ammonia.
  • Not bad copes with oil spots acetone and nail polish remover, which also includes acetone. It is enough to put it on the trail, wait 10 minutes and send the thing in the wash.

Note! This method is not applicable to silk and colored fabrics.

  • You can create a mixture of washing powder and butter in a 1: 1 ratio. The mixture is applied to the stain, after which you need to wait 5-10 minutes. Getting rid of the remnants of the mixture, you can send the thing in the wash.
  • If synthetics or caprone are stained, the blemishes can be removed with a mixture of warm alcohol and fine salt.
  • To remove traces of oil paint from satin and silk, you can use soap. Having rubbed the stain with soap, it needs to be treated with warm alcohol.
  • Cotton fabric - a mixture of baking soda and laundry soap (a teaspoon per 100 grams), boil it. During the boiling mixture into it you need to dip the contaminated area and hold there for 20 seconds. Eliminate the remnants of the mixture by rinsing the thing in cold water.
  • Simple and careful, but not the most effective option - the use of vegetable oil. This method is only suitable for fresh stains. Under the stain, you need to put a napkin and for 15 minutes to process the trail with a cotton pad soaked in oil.
  • Soak the stain with gasoline and rub with a cotton pad. In this case, one thing is important - you need to use refined gasoline, which can be bought at any hardware store.
  • White spirit is another remedy that is considered aggressive because it is detrimental to delicate and colored clothing. In other cases, it is enough to moisten the cotton with a means and treat them with a trace of paint.


Forget about paint stains by listening to our useful tips:

  • Water-based paint is easier to remove than oil. To remove such stains, household soap and laundry detergent are enough.
  • Dirty clothes should be washed separately from other things.
  • Before dealing with the tracks, the clothes should be turned inside out, putting a towel under the front side.
  • To prevent stains, the fabric around the stain must be wetted with water or treated with talcum powder.
  • Clean the clothes with gloves, away from open fire and in a well-ventilated area.
  • Whichever cleaning method is chosen, clothes should be rinsed in cold water and washed, leaving to dry for a couple of days so that all odors disappear.
  • If solvents are chosen for cleaning, you must first remove the paint crust with a sharp object. This should be done carefully, otherwise the thing can be broken.
  • If none of the methods helped, then you can entrust this business to professionals by passing the item to a dry-cleaner.

On a note! If nothing helps and traces of paint remain visible, then no need to be upset. Traces can be hidden or decorated, and in extreme cases, clothes can be altered by inventing something more interesting and original.


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