To create not only beautiful, but also cozy housing is the task of each of us. After all, it is very important to surround yourself with what brings joy and inspiration. There are many ways to achieve such a result, and one of them is stencils for walls. Every year they become more and more popular, as they help to give the room an individual style. In addition, using a stencil, you can select a specific area without overloading the rest of the room with unnecessary details.

Advantages of stencils for walls

Stencils - the perfect solution to transform the room a bit at a low cost. Unlike other decor options, they can be used in any room, starting with the living room and ending with a bathroom and even a corridor. After all, the main thing - to choose a picture that will fit well with the overall interior.

In addition, this is an excellent solution if there are defects on the surface. If you choose the right pattern, you can hide them.Also stencils will help to refresh the interior a little, especially if repairs are not planned in the near future.

One of the most important advantages of stencils is the ability to use them not only by professionals, but also by amateurs. This is due to the fact that to work with them you do not need any special knowledge. It’s enough just to practice a little to make something really worthwhile.

Types of stencils

There are several types of stencils, among which you need to find the most suitable for you. It is best to purchase them in a specialty store, especially if you plan to use it for the first time. More experienced in this business often make them yourself. So, let's consider the main types of stencils and features of working with them.

Simple stencils can rightly be called the most popular type. This is due to ease of use, because even beginners in this business can easily make a gorgeous picture. For drawing it will be required only one layer of paint. Most often, simple stencils are used for applying simple drawings, inscriptions or ornaments.

Combined or multi-color stencils, unlike the previous type, require certain skills. After all, for drawing a picture, several shades are used, which allow to select a specific element or to create a multi-colored composition.

In addition, stencils in this case are applied in a certain sequence in order to get the expected result. For beginners who want to do something like that, we recommend first to practice a little and only then try to apply the picture to the walls.

In turn, volumetric stencils allow you to create not just a beautiful pattern on the wall, but a 3D ornament or even a velvety surface. But in order to do something similar, special efforts and knowledge are needed to make the result look decent. As a material for the application is not paint, and putty. It is carefully applied to the surface in a thin layer. But after drying it will not look too beautiful. Therefore, many experts recommend to cover the top with a layer of paint or clear varnish. If done correctly, then after that the picture will look perfect.

Reverse stencils are different from all others. The fact is that it is this type that assumes that it will not be the internal part of the stencil, but the external one that will be painted over. That is, as a result, the outline of the drawing will be on the wall. This solution looks quite interesting, so it is used in many rooms with modern design.

We should also mention that stencils are not only disposable, but also reusable. The first option is made of simple material, which after use can not be recovered. Most often such are stencils of inscriptions or simple drawings. Reusable products are made of moisture resistant material, so they are suitable for reuse. Most often used for this acrylic or plastic.

Recommendations for choosing and using stencils

As mentioned above, it is very important to choose the picture that best suits the interior. We recommend choosing simple and concise images. They look the most advantageous, as well combined with almost any design.

Try to avoid stencils with very fine details. This is especially necessary to consider newcomers. The fact is that it is quite difficult to transfer such a drawing, so any mistake can significantly spoil all the work.

Another rule that must be taken into account is that only one drawing can be used in one room. If you combine them, then as a result it will look ridiculous. By the way, before you buy a stencil, try to think about the place where the drawing will be located. This is necessary so that it fits and remains visible, and not behind furniture or curtains.

Be sure to choose the right paint, depending on what surface will be transferred to the image.

Once you have decided on the pattern and its location in the room, we suggest that you begin the application process. First you need to prepare the wall, that is, clean it from dust and wipe. The next step is marking. To do this, you need to use a level so that the pattern is smooth.

It is very important to mark the extreme points for the stencil with a pencil. This is necessary in order to secure it with a special aerosol adhesive or masking tape. After that, you can proceed to staining. If the drawing is simple, then you can do it with a roller. For more complex patterns it is better to use a brush, thanks to which you can paint over all the fragments.

Do not be afraid to use the stencil at home, because this is a great way to slightly change the usual design of the walls. In addition, if you practice a little before applying, you can get amazing results.

stencils for walls

Have you tried to transfer the picture to the wall using a stencil?


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