For every woman, personal attraction is an important factor for her own comfort. This requires combining many factors: well-groomed hair and hands, a slim figure, a royal posture. But the most sober care is required for the skin of the face.It is most difficult to protect it from external factors, since it is the face that is most often open to the sun, wind and frost. Skin health requires protection and nutrition. Only in this case irritating factors will bring less harm.

Skin care by age

The most important destructive factor for the skin is time. With his progress, nothing can be done, but some chemical processes in the skin can be slowed down. The most noticeable change in texture and increased pigmentation. Completely stop the process does not work, but timely intervention in it gives visible results. It is important to use methods and preparations that are appropriate for age and skin type.

After 20 years

The earlier a lady starts skin care, the longer she will be able to postpone the appearance of signs of aging. At any age, sunscreen should be an important part of daily care. The greater the protection factor, the more effective the fight against negative influence will be.

Some "lucky people" even after the passing of adolescence have to deal with acne. The most common cause of this disease are hormones. Also the problem will be the so-called melasma - dark spots on the skin that remain after the treatment of acne. They darken in the sun and become even more visible.

To combat acne, as well as as a stage of skin care in 20 years, you should use washing twice a day. For dry skin, you should use cream cleansing products, for oily need more liquid products that remove excess sebum.

After washing, apply a moisturizer by skin type. Night cream can also become a permanent component of the daily care program, but anti-aging products are still to be avoided.

Among the components of products recommended for this age should be:

  • salicylic acid (acne control);
  • soy acid;
  • kojic acid;
  • solar protection of a wide range of UVA and UVB;
  • Shea Butter;
  • vitamin C.

At this age without medical indications it is not recommended to resort to invasive procedures and laser resurfacing. Light chemical peels may be beneficial.

After 30 years

In 30 years, acne ceases to torment almost all women. But by this time, the ladies will be attacked by new problems: the skin begins to lose moisture. Also already visible fine wrinkles, pigmentation, bags under the eyes, enlarged pores. As a result, the skin loses its former smoothness. During this period it is especially important to adjust your diet. Sugar, canned and prepared foods should be kept to a minimum, and the main part of the menu should be filled with greens, vegetables, seafood, nuts and plenty of water.

Skin care should still be based on regular cleansing. Tonic strengthens turgor and narrow pores. Regular exfoliation also helps make the skin fresher and cleaner. You need to repeat the procedure on average 3 times a week. Going out on the street it is imperative to smear your face with sunscreen, and at night choose a denser product than before. In addition, in the diet should include more foods with vitamin A or pharmacy vitamins.

Important note: products enriched with substances important to the skin should not be used at the same time. This may cause irritation and allergic reaction. It is best to develop a plan for the next few months and apply the courses separately from each other.

In 30 years, you can already think of Botox injections, but only when it is really necessary. You can also do microdermabrasion, laser toning, fruit acid peels. In more detail about the procedures recommended at this age the dermatologist will tell.

After 40 years

In 40 years, you can already start the fight against aging in full swing. If you do not provide the skin with proper care, then we can safely expect deepening of wrinkles, sagging of the cheeks, increase in pores, pronounced loss of elasticity of the skin around the eyes.

The skin still needs regular cleansing. Serum with slow-release ingredients should be included in daily care. It should continue its action not only during the day, but at night along with the night cream. Sunscreen also remains part of the essentials.

During this period, in the regular care should enter the oil. They will be able to partially compensate for the function of natural sebum, which at this time already reduces its ability to retain moisture in the skin. Important ingredients of cosmetics for the age category after 40 years are:

  • Retin (Retin-A);
  • alpha hydroxy acid;
  • extracts of aloe and chamomile;
  • Yangoo, Marula, Passion fruit oils and others related to the base.

During this period, you should be more careful with peeling and chemical peels.From cosmetic procedures it is better to choose laser, as well as Botox injections.

After 50 years

During this period, the problems of the past decade have only worsened. Gravity takes its toll, aided by the loss of collagen. All products should have a powerful moisturizing effect. The presence of a strong sunscreen in the product list remains one of the main rules.

Night care should be enhanced. The frequency of use of retina should increase to daily. Facial oil and fatty night creams are also applied daily. Among the components should be vitamin C, glycolic acid concentrate, peptides.

Surgery should be avoided at any age. It is worth trying to do with non-invasive procedures, laser and peeling. At this age, loss of volume becomes a problem. You can use dermal fillers: Restalyne, Juvederm, Sculptra or Radiesse. With the help of platelet-based concentrate PRP, you can make your skin re-produce collagen and elastin, which will make it noticeably fresh. Also at this age it is worth paying special attention to the neck.

Skin care at home

Immediately it is necessary to mention that home care for the effectiveness can not be compared with the procedures from the beauty parlor. However, self-care will contribute to a brighter result from special dermatological methods.

Cleansing the skin at home also remains a fundamental step in skin care. To do this, you can use both store tools, and those that are easy to prepare at home. The easiest way to make an infusion of herbs and wipe their face.

Peeling combines perfectly with cleansing. Facial scrub should be fine. To do this, you can use a coffee grinder. It crushes the sleeping coffee grounds, rice, salt or sugar. You can also finely grind apricot kernels. The resulting powder can be added to honey, cream or cleanser. The peeling procedure is carried out as usual: apply, lightly rub and rinse.

Homemade face masks can also be very effective. Sour cream, oatmeal, gelatin, base oils, fruits are usually used as a basis for them. It is useful to add to the compositions of essential oils, suitable for skin type. These masks do 1-2 times a week. Masks based on egg whites have a lifting effect and tighten pores. Honey has an antiseptic effect and is used as a natural antibiotic. Fruit acids refresh and whiten the skin. Knowing the properties of the ingredients, you can combine them with each other according to the type of problems.

Home remedies must be prepared immediately before use, since almost no composition is stored for more than a day. It immediately begins to multiply bacteria, which can do more harm to the skin than good. In order for all the above-mentioned skin care methods to bring the desired results, you need to correctly combine home and professional methods.


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