A man is everywhere lurking in danger, and this applies not only to land, but also to water bodies. Some fish are deadly to humans. The probability of meeting with such fish is minimal, if we consider a person living in a big city. But to have information about a potential threat is necessary.

Eating fish is much more dangerous than sharks. Rivers, seas and oceans are filled with dangerous inhabitants, who use various methods of destruction during hunting or protection - from electric shock to sharp canines. When swimming in rivers or visiting seaside resorts, it is better to avoid encounters with the inhabitants of the water world presented below, which are dangerous to humans. So, the most dangerous of the existing in the world of fish are presented to attention.

Electric eel

Electric eel lives in small rivers of Latin America, in tributaries of the Amazon. This is not a relative of these eels, but a separate species. Although there are similarities.

Its unique organs that generate electric current, the eel uses for navigation, hunting and protection. Electric organs give a discharge of 600 volts, which paralyzes the prey.Such a discharge poses a mortal danger to humans, so you need to be careful when visiting such fish regions.

Tiger fish

The relative of piranha living in Africa and South America is tiger fish. These family ties should be alarming.

The average weight of tiger fish is 3.5 kg, the Senegalese subspecies is 15 kg, and instances of catching specimens reaching 50 kg have been recorded. The fish has many sharp teeth with which it tears the prey. Meeting a person with such a freshwater inhabitant is very dangerous.

In Africa, annual tiger-fishing championships are held on the Cheb River. Extreme fishermen come from all over the world to participate in such an interesting fishing.


Gunch is a major inhabitant of the rivers of Nepal and India. His second name is devilish catfish. This fish is dangerous because of its aggressive habits and size. Som won the reputation of a cannibal.

On the river Kali gunch he drags people under the water. But people are most likely to blame for this. Buddhist traditions tell the bodies of the departed to be buried in the river Kali. Here is the fish and loved to eat dinner man. A case was recorded when a catfish weighing 104 kg was caught.

Wart wart

Warty dwells in the shallow waters of the Pacific and Indian Ocean. It is also called stone fish. The fish is wonderfully disguised as a stone. Such a "stone" without water can be up to 20 hours.

Warthog has poisonous thorns. This is the most poisonous fish. For a man, her bite is lethal. The antidote, unfortunately, is still found.


In recent years, the snakehead habitat has greatly increased. It is found from the Far East and the Indian subcontinent to the rivers of Central Asia. Fish can easily tolerate a lack of oxygen. It is experiencing drought, burrowing in silt. In extreme cases, in the absence of water, it can crawl into a reservoir located in another place, overcoming long distances.

Snakehead grows up to 1 meter, while its weight reaches 10 kg. In the water, the predator hunts for everything that moves. Can easily bite a person.


Many have heard the legend that there are fish that can penetrate into the human body through intimate places. So vandelia just refers to such fish. There is no reliable evidence of such cases.

Lives dangerous fish in the tributaries of the Amazon. Its dimensions usually do not exceed 15 cm. Basically, the size of the fish is no larger than a match. Vandellia is completely transparent. She is a parasite. Penetrating into the gills of other river dwellers, this parasite bites through the skin of the victim and feeds on its blood. For this, the fish received the nickname - "Brazilian vampire."


This fish is the most famous freshwater predator, which is dangerous for both animals and people. This is a schooling fish, which instantly attacks its prey. Her sharp teeth tear off pieces of meat from the victim, and only bones remain from the unfortunate animal in a matter of minutes. This is a very dangerous fish, but no cases of people eating have been recorded so far.

The average size of piranha - 15 cm, but there are instances and larger sizes. In aquarists piranha in recent years is very popular. In captivity, predatory fish is very shy and cautious.

Hedgehog fish

Hedgehog fish lives among tropical coral reefs. When she feels in danger, she immediately becomes like a ball covered with spikes. On these thorns, the skin of the fish and its internal organs contain toxic poison. If a person injects about these needles and does not provide emergency medical care, he may die. Cooking dishes from such fish also should not be.

The hedgehog fish is very clumsy and slow and often under the influence of undercurrents is far from its permanent habitat.

Mackerel hydrolic

Mackerel hydrolic grows more than 1 meter and weighs up to 17 kilograms. In the lower part of the jaw of the fish are canines. For this reason she was nicknamed the “vampire fish”. And although she does not drink blood, but is very dangerous and can eat piranha.

Among gambling anglers, the skimish gidrolik is very popular.But not because of their taste, but because of the fact that this freshwater fish is very difficult to catch. And if she was caught on a spoon or hook, she is very actively resisting to the last.


Completes the rating of the most dangerous fish slope-throne. Most of the time fish spends at the bottom. She buries herself in the sand and is in this state for a long time. With a sharp spike located on his tail, he pierces the skin of a person who, through carelessness, steps on him and releases poison. In consequence of which paralysis can occur, and given that a person is in the water, as a rule, a lethal outcome occurs.

Adult skates reach up to 2 meters in length and weigh about 30 kilograms. Scat uses its poison solely as a defense. They feed on mollusks or crustaceans.


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