As soon as they do not call smart people on earth - geeks, geniuses, etc. Some of these people are considered strange, but at the same time, these people leave a trace behind themselves and make a huge contribution to the history of mankind. The article will present the most intelligent people on the planet, whose IQ level is above average (150 or more).

Terence Tao

Chinese Terence Tao, a native of Australia has an IQ level of 230 points, which can be called an absolute record. In his 2 years, Terence was already solving simple problems in arithmetic, at 5 he spoke fluently in English and was already solving complex mathematical equations and problems, even for some adults. Since childhood, the little prodigy attended lectures on higher mathematics, where he memorized and accumulated everything. At the age of 12, Terence Tao participated in competitions, but not simple ones, but international ones.

Later on, Tao continued to master higher mathematics, analytic number theory, and was involved in solving complex differential equations.By the age of 20 he became a professor at the University of California, and by the age of 40 he wrote, just to think about it - 250 scientific works!

Marilyn Vos Savant

IQ American is 228 points. Successful journalist, writer, playwright, the smartest woman on the planet and just beautiful - this is Marilyn. In the famous magazine "Parade" easily answers all the questions posed to her. In the same journal, she leads her column with riddles and puzzles on any topic.

Marilyn’s intellect is constantly debated. Many believe that her answers are purely intuitive. Or maybe it's just envy? After all, men are mostly geeks ... But despite the discussions, the representative of the weaker half of humanity has already earned the highest score 10 times - 228.

Christopher Hirata

IQ of the smartest man Christopher Hirata is 225 points. This brilliant man is the winner of many international competitions. At the age of 14, he already entered the university, at the age of 16 he began working at NASA - he studied the question of the conquest of Mars.

At 22, the young man received the title - Doctor of Science. This degree he defended in a very difficult area - astrophysics. He is very interested in knowledge in the field of gravity fields, energy conversion.

Kim Ung-Yong

IQ Korean Kim Ung-Yong is 210 points. At the age of 4, the boy appeared on television, where he was solving live set mathematical problems. At the same age, he was fluent in 4 languages. Such a gifted boy was immediately noticed, and already at the age of 8, NASA invited him to study. After graduating from university, Kim worked at NASA for another 10 years, after which he returned to his homeland, Korea.

According to this great man, happiness lies in simple things - support, companionship, understanding and friendship.

Evangelos Katsiulis

Evangelos Kacioulis closes the top five with an IQ of 200 points. This brilliant psychiatrist has achieved success in other areas of science - psychopharmacology, philosophy, in which he has a scientific degree. Evangelos is the founder of several organization for people with high mental performance. A man leads an active lifestyle, is engaged in drawing, enjoys swimming, loves to explore the world and travel.

Christopher Langan

American Christopher Langan has an IQ of 195 points. This athlete is known to the world as a record holder. But not in chess, but in weightlifting. Christopher's father died when the boy was very young, so the future genius had to be all self-taught - from gaining knowledge, to rocking muscles.

The young man showed great promise while studying at the university. The professors saw great potential in him, but at that time the financial issue was more important and Langan dropped out of school and went to work as a bouncer. Many years later, when he established a personal life, Christopher returned to the sciences. He became famous for his scientific work on the Cognitive-theoretical model of the Universe.

Rick Rosner

Regular American Rick Rosner with an IQ of 192 points is also a creative person. The most intelligent person has always had a dream to have his own TV show. The wunderkind walked to his goal for many years and tried himself in many jobs. He worked as a waiter, bouncer, stripper, but at the same time he developed and displayed his talents. Once, having lit up on television, Rick still managed to create his own television show. Every day he trains not only his brains, but also watches his body - he is very afraid to grow old.

Mislav Predavech

A professor of mathematics from Croatia has an IQ score of 192 points. He likes to listen to rock music, to play computer games, to the mafia. Mislav lives an ordinary everyday life and everything suits him. He likes to solve various puzzles, crack abstruse tests, and in general - to work with brains. But he has no desire to understand the complexities of modern technology. Deal with the settings of your own smartphone, insert a SIM card into it, or simply replenish the account Mislav Predavech asks his wife.

Garry Kasparov

Garry Kasparov is on the last place in the ranking with an IQ of 190 points. He received the title of champion and the title of "best chess player" in his 22 years after his victory over Anatoly Karpov. Anatoly has a very high intellect and surprised them all after playing chess with a computer, where he played a draw.

The grandmaster from Baku grew up in a family of engineers. But not only genes helped him become the smartest person. From early childhood, he was fond of various puzzles, chess. Here the expression will be appropriate: “Geniuses are not born, they become.”

James woods

The last place in the ranking is assigned to James Woods with his IQ of 180 points. James starred in more than fifty films, including the League of Justice, Superheroes.

Excellent Woods was from school. Testing by definition IQ James was carried out while studying at the university. But the achievement of heights and obtaining a scientific degree was hampered by the bad character of a genius. He always argued with teachers and teachers, thereby proving his point of view.

The smartest person in Russia

As for Russia, Anatoly Wasserman is recognized as the most intelligent. To many, he is familiar from the intellectual TV show “What? Where? When? ”, As well as“ Own game ”. Anatoly was born in Odessa in a Jewish family. An example to follow the boy was always his father - a well-known thermal physicist in the Soviet Union. At school, he had strained relations not only with classmates, but also with teachers, whom he would prove at every opportunity that he knew the subject better than them.

In the mid-90s, Wasserman moved to Russia, where he became a political consultant. In recent years, he can often be seen on television, where an erudite has several TV shows.

The smartest person in history

Throughout its history, mankind has known many geniuses, but the most intelligent of them was recognized by William Sidis. He was born in New York in 1898 in a family of immigrants with Ukrainian roots. Already at one and a half years old, the boy was able to read an article written in a newspaper. And by the age of 8 he was already the author of his own book, which was dedicated to human anatomy.

At age 11, William became a Harvard student, and after 3 years he was invited to give lectures on advanced mathematics at the university. However, mathematics was not the only science in which he was a specialist. Sidis has written many scientific papers on psychology, history and cosmogony.


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