Pugovka (Polina Vasnetsova) played a prominent role in the series “Daddy's Daughter” played by the actress of the Russian theater and cinema, Ekaterina Starshova. Today, the young beauty is 15 years old, and looking at these photos, it’s hard to find out that cute funny baby from the series.

In response to numerous requests for filming and starring starring, Katya shared her feelings and thoughts at the time:

“Many people ask me how hard it was to be able to withstand the load of the shooting process at such a small age? Without much thought, they can answer what was really difficult. At the initial stage of filming, I was not aware of all the seriousness and responsibility of everything that happened, I thought it was a game. But over time, this feeling has evaporated. The hardest thing was to learn endless texts. You have no idea how worried and nervous I was, trying to feel and understand the role of each phrase!

My desires were obvious: in the winter and in the summer I wanted to go out and play with friends, to spend more time outside. I had to combine schooling and filming.The schedule was previously coordinated, but there was still not enough time.

Growing up, I gradually began to realize that it was not enough for me how I play. It seemed my role was not as attractive as it could be. In the end, I began to study acting skills and attend dance classes. It really helped me to relax. Much has changed during the filming period, the interests and perceptions of many things have changed. ”

Her first fee Katya knew exactly where to spend it. Now the family has another full owner - the Yorkshire Terrier, which the girl has long dreamed of. The dog was named Nyusha.

Little biography

October 28, 2001, Ekaterina Starshova was born. Not surprisingly, in the family, where figure skating was a priority, it was this sport that became the first hobby of the baby. Kate began to attend youth ballet on ice and achieved considerable success. Indeed, in the future, for participation in the international-class ice dance show in Paris, she received second place.

“Why do I like figure skating so much? Immediately answer this question is not so simple. Most likely, because it is not just a sport, but some special one! I would say that sometimes he is even close to art. When I go out on the ice, I suddenly sink into an extraordinary, magical world for myself. I really like to watch other performances, they bring me an incredible, incomparable pleasure! Sheer delight! ”Says Katya.

In 2007, it was approved for the role of Buttons in the now popular TV series “Daddy's Daughters”. And only in 2008, the girl went to grade 1. Already at such a young age, Katya actively starred in commercials: “Kinder Surprise”, “FrutoNyanya”, “Pikovit”, children's cosmetics “Princess”, as well as in an advertisement for a toy supermarket “Begemot”.

In 2016, becoming a member of the TV show "Dancing with the Stars", Katya reappears on the screen with her partner Vladislav Kozhevnikov. She happily agreed to take part in the project, as she loved to dance.

“I try to meet problems with a smile and go only forward. Motivation for me is the end result. First of all - positive emotions, in which there is no place for experiences! ”

From the age of 3, the girl attended the center for the development of aesthetics and beauty, where she studied vocal, dance and acting skills. But most of all she loved to dance. Modern, folk dances and steppe were in priority.

Participating in the project “Dancing with the Stars”, the smallest Starshova will compete with many celebrities - Nelli Uvarova, Daniel Spivakovsky, Timur Batrutdinov, Irina Bezrukova, Alisa Grebenshchikova, Alena Yakovleva, etc.

"Easy life. It is even easier to give others a sincere smile, to do good deeds, to rejoice and radiate a good mood ”- Katya shares her life credo.

With my beloved mommy ...

Family holidays in Austria

After the brilliant success in Daddy’s television series, Ekaterina Starshova continues to be actively engaged in creative work, starring in commercials, films, TV shows. In addition, the girl participates in photo shoots for magazines, attends metropolitan events. And today he is working on his own book on psychology.

“I do not want to live in a world where there is no tenderness”

School, home, training, lessons ... However, like many, is the usual day of the girl. As for school, then, oddly enough, it is technical subjects and mathematics that are given to Kate best of all. I also like to do physics, biology, chemistry. With languages, things are a little harder, although in a family with a foreign language everything is on “you”. Therefore, for many, it was a surprise that the girl is more successful in mathematics.

Catherine's followers on Instagram are more and more enthusiastic about the young lady, noting that every year she becomes even more beautiful. And if one of you watched the series “Daddy's Daughters”, and who liked his actors, share your impressions.


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