
  1. How to eliminate traces of superglue with shoes?
  2. How to remove superglue from suede shoes?
  3. Recommendations

Everyone knows the useful properties of superglue, because it is indispensable when it is necessary to glue something. However, it does not always glue what is needed. If caution is not observed during work with glue, it may fall onto the surface, from which it is extremely difficult to remove. For example, superglue may be on the hands, clothes or shoes. Removing traces of it from the shoe is quite difficult, because the glue dries instantly and is removed is problematic. If you didn’t work with superglue carefully, and he still got on his shoes, then you need to know how to remove it?

How to eliminate traces of superglue with shoes?

Superglue got on the shoes and now it has not an attractive appearance? This can be easily corrected using one of the popular methods below.


This method can only be used if the superglue is completely dry. Use acetone as follows:

  • Treat contaminated area with acetone (nail polish remover).
  • Wait about an hour.
  • Wipe shoes with an old toothbrush or cotton cloth.
  • If the result is unsatisfactory, you can repeat it.
  • After cleaning, paint the shoe with shoe polish, evenly spreading it over the surface.

Temperature method

Superglue has one feature that makes it possible to quickly remove it. As is known, the composition of the adhesive can not cope with high or low temperatures, so you can eliminate the traces of shoes by heating or freezing shoes. The steps in this case are:

  • Heat the contaminated area with an iron or hairdryer. Remnants of glue to remove pumice or a knife, you need to act very carefully, so as not to spoil the shoes.
  • Freeze shoes by putting them in the freezer for 2-3 hours. Pre-stained shoes should be wrapped with plastic wrap or bag. After waiting for the marked period of time, take out the shoes and scrape off the fragile glue with a knife or other metal object.


Probably, “Dimexide” is the most harmless and highly effective method of removing traces of superglue from shoes. It is a colorless liquid that can remove traces of paint or glue. Application requires extreme caution, because the liquid can cause poisoning or irritation of the skin. When working with Dimexide, you must use a respirator and rubber gloves. Cleaning steps:

  • Take a cotton swab and soak it with a liquid substance.
  • To rub a stain.
  • Wash shoes in warm water.

It is interesting! No less effective, and other special tools, whose main task - is to eliminate the traces of superglue. The best way to cope with their task "Antikley Super" and antikleu "Second".

Other methods of eliminating superglue with shoes

Among the less popular ways worth noting:

  • Use soap solution and hot water. It is enough to dip shoes in a soap solution or rub it with soap of any type (household, liquid and others), then rinse it off with hot water.
  • Try to scrub the pollution with gasoline or alcohol.
  • If the shoes are made of leather, then you can take a nail file and try to cut superglue, eliminating it with light and neat circular movements.

Important! If using the latter method, the glue has been removed, but the surface of leather shoes has also suffered, then it can be painted over with shoe polish.

How to remove superglue from suede shoes?

Suede is a capricious and very delicate material that requires careful handling and operation. In case suede shoes were soiled with superglue, you do not have to despair, because traditional methods of cleaning shoes will help in this case. Any of the cleaning procedures should be carried out very carefully and carefully, otherwise you can damage the suede itself. The most effective method that has already been described earlier is the removal of glue marks by sawing. What other methods can be used when cleaning suede?


Ammonia can only be used if you need to remove a fresh stain. To do this, soak a rag in a liquid and rub the contaminated area.


No less effective means to remove stains from superglue - refined gasoline, which should be used as follows:

  • Saturate a piece of cloth with gasoline.
  • To rub the polluted site of footwear.

Steam exposure

As mentioned earlier, the adhesive does not tolerate high or low temperatures. Since suede shoes are more reverent, the approach should be special. It is best to use steam to remove stains, the ideal case is using a steam generator. However, he has few people at home, so you can use boiling water:

  • In a large bowl to boil water and let boil.
  • At this time, you need to take the shoes and hold it over the steam, it should be done for 3-5 minutes, so that the suede is soaked with moisture.
  • Scrape off superglue.
  • Raise the suede pile using a special brush or eraser (new and clean, preferably a light color).
  • Apply a water-repellent spray to the surface of the shoe. Thanks to this shoes for a long time will keep an attractive appearance.


Superglue is not only our reliable assistant in solving difficult problems, but also the reason for their occurrence. You can easily cope with its negative influence by listening to a few simple but very useful tips:

  • Special chemicals are quite aggressive, so when working with them you need to be careful, use gloves and a respirator, and all cleaning procedures should be carried out on the street or in a ventilated room.
  • Before you start cleaning shoes from superglue, you need to test the selected tool, using it on an inconspicuous and small area of ​​the affected shoes. If, after the test, the footwear has not suffered, and its structure and color have been preserved, then it is possible to proceed with the elimination of superglue stains.
  • If superglue got on the shoes, clothes or other object, then it is best to remove it immediately. The fresher the stain, the higher the chances of its complete elimination.


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