The end of the last century is characterized by the fact that technologies have harmoniously entered human life, and now serve as their integral part. Various mechanisms and devices allow a person to save time, because they simplify life by performing and automating human work. With the advent of technology, everything became somehow faster and more interesting, so it is not at all surprising that these trends were reflected in the art world, in particular, became one of the independent styles in tattoo. The biomechanics style is a modern display of the importance of mechanisms in a person’s life, symbolizing a new era in development.

Biomechanics is the original bodywork that attracts not only beauty and realism, but also the professionalism of the master who created the picture. It is believed that the progenitor of biomechanics has become an extravagant and unusual artist, whose name is Hans Rudolf Giger from Switzerland.As you know, he was greatly impressed after reading horror books from American writer Lovecraft Howard. Trying to portray the horrors and nightmares, the artist created a new human image. The canvas depicted women and men, composed of various mechanisms, pipes and plates.

Especially popular were the paintings "Hell's Angels" in which the demons chasing the motorcyclist - the emblem of modern bikers. The biomechanics style was especially popular after the film “Alien” (1979), made on the basis of paintings by a Swiss artist, came into the world. A new wave of biomechanics in the tattoo received when the movie "Terminator". Many men wanted to make their appearance more brutal and courageous, using sketches of steel muscles and metal pipes instead of bones.

It should be noted that the first tattoos were not impressive for their beauty and realism, as they were created with the help of black, the play of light and shades. Gradually, the art of tattooing improved, the drawings became more voluminous and detailed, and modern technology and a wide color palette made it possible to more effectively process the skin and tattoos.

Due to the gradual development of modern tattoos, made in the style of biomechanics, have not only beautiful but also realistic appearance, because it seems that a part of the mechanism attached to bones and veins was actually placed in human flesh. Biomechanics is notable for its complexity and attractiveness; it takes up to several dozen sessions to fill a high-quality image. When creating a tattoo, it is important to carefully and correctly draw all the shadows and partial shade, glare and contrasts, for which you need to choose the right color scheme and make the maximum detail.

Men's tattoo biomechanics

As you know, tattoos in the style of biomechanics do not have a hidden meaning or special meaning, and are used as a symbol of supernatural metallic strength and invincibility. Men with similar tattoos look more brutal and courageous, their image becomes bold, and attention is focused on the great physical abilities of the owner of the tattoo. Having correctly selected the sketch, you can visually increase the volume of the muscle and focus on them.

Biomechanics is a special style that requires large sizes in order to achieve the desired effect and to draw all the details with high quality. Often, men use their feet as canvas, in particular calves. An important element of the picture is the appearance of the skin, it may be absent, or the effect is created as if the body was cut or burned to install steel mechanisms. The skin may hang down, bend, have bleeding wounds, or be stranded with a steel bar. Knitting needles or other sharp objects that pierce the skin and stick out of it look just as beautiful.

Also a beautiful option would be a tattoo biomechanics on the forearm or shoulder, where muscles are replaced with metal plates or complex mechanisms, among which may be levers, springs, springs, etc.

Female tattoo biomechanics

As for girls, among them this style of tattoos is not in special demand and only 1-2% of women use brutal sketches on their body. When creating a sketch, the girls make the technique more beautiful and romantic, filling it with color and additional details. The original version of the female sketch tattoo biomechanics - corset lacing, tightening the torn skin. The microcircuits and bolts of the girl are replaced by angel wings, the feathers of which are metallic. Also, female tattoos in the style of biomechanics cannot do without hearts, stars, butterflies, and other attributes familiar to girls.

Biomechanics tattoo on arm, leg and other parts of the body.

Tattoo in the style of biomechanics should be applied to a narrow and long canvas, so a large body area should be selected under the tattoo. As for men, they prefer tattoos on their arms or calves.Mechanical parts can be located from the wrist to the elbow or from the elbow to the shoulder. Not less popular option is a large mechanism, located on the back of a man and replacing his spine with metal plates. Another original version - the heart, replaced by gears.

The girls are more gentle and romantic personalities, so they place the tattoo in the style of biomechanics on the edges, abdomen or back in the form of corset lacing. In some cases, the fair sex place a tattoo on her arms or legs, complementing the sketch with feminine elements (flowers, butterflies, etc.).

Sketches, photos of finished works and style varieties

Tattoos in the style of biomechanics have several subcategories, namely:

  • Biomechanics - mechanisms replace human organs and are located inside a person.
  • Cyberpunk - buttons, plugs and wires that replace veins. The main difference from classical biomechanics - tattoo is not a part of the human body, but contains images of some objects or creatures, for example, a cat with wires.
  • Hi-tech is a technical style in which a part of the body consists of microcircuits, chips and other details of “smart technology”.
  • Steam punk is not part of biomechanics, but rather serves as its closest relative. Tattoos in this style resemble outdated mechanisms. A popular option is a clock mechanism.

When choosing a sketch, the main thing to do is to find a good and highly skilled master, since the elegance and attractiveness of the tattoo depends only on him. As for the sketch, the main thing here is to determine the part of the body that the mechanism will replace and select the type of mechanism. For example, tattoo on calves is in demand, where muscles replace springs or shock absorbers. Equally popular options are the mechanism replacing the heart or metal arms.



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