
  1. Features of the health of the phases of the moon
  2. How to distribute health related manipulations across lunar cycles
  3. Lunar calendar of health monthly

For health, an important factor is respecting the biorhythms of the body. Phases of the moon play an important role in this. It is easy to feel for yourself, comparing your state of health in different phases of the moon and in accordance with its position relative to other celestial bodies.

Features of the health of the phases of the moon

Specialists regularly draw up graphs of the movement of a satellite of the Earth to simplify the monitoring of health and well-being. Lunar cycles are divided into 4 main parts. The most complex body experienced transitional states. On the growing moon, emotional and physical rise is more often felt. On a waning moon, it is better not to overwork, but to rest. On a new moon, negative emotions put pressure on a person for several days, depression and physical indisposition can manifest. At this time, you can go to the annual examination by a doctor. Comprehensive verification will provide comprehensive information.The treatment of eye and head problems in general will be most effective. It is good at this time to do some types of operations, as well as complex cleaning procedures.

Exercising the body will be of maximum benefit if diluted with breathing exercises. The number of such classes should be the maximum possible.

The second phase of the moon, passing from 8 to 14 day of the lunar cycle, will bring good luck in operations and will be productive in treatment. You can expect a burst of energy and useful in the treatment of energy. This attitude will help in the prevention and struggle for health. Physical activity as a preventive measure can be gradually increased. This will help the accumulated energy.

At the same time, emotional overload can provoke all sorts of failures, exacerbation of chronic diseases and even a heart attack. Special attention should be paid to the treatment of the gallbladder, liver and intestines.

The second quarter of the lunar cycle ends with a full moon. This is a period of increased irritability. Chances of nervous breakdowns are high. People with mental disorders especially acutely react to this period and sometimes show inadequacy. Particularly active influence of the moon on women. It is also noted that the number of road accidents and cataclysms increases during the full moon.

In the full moon you should not do complex wellness treatments. Moreover, this time is not suitable for operations. In addition to the negative impact of the full moon gives a surge of energy and well-being. People without nervous disorders feel great.

The third phase of the moon falls on the 15-22 day of the lunar cycle. At this time, positive changes of the body, on which they had previously worked, will clearly manifest themselves. Now it is better to reduce physical activity and give the body to achieve full recovery.

If treatment was previously carried out, then in this phase one should expect bright signs of its effectiveness. At the same time to carry out new interventions in the body is not worth it.

The fourth phase of the moon takes place from 23 to 30 days of the lunar cycle. This is the time of the departing moon. You can feel fatigue and depression. This stage is dangerous high risk of disease and reduced immunity. Emotional background is unstable, there are mood swings.

How to distribute health related manipulations across lunar cycles

There are a number of activities related to changes in the body. Among them are regular, like sports and diets, and there are those that are held occasionally as needed. In this case, any of them is better to plan based on the influence of the moon on the body.

Diets, nutrition, weight loss

The flow of the diet also depends on the lunar cycle. How effective the measures taken to lose weight are related to the general mood and energy background. For example, in the full moon you should not overload the body with physical exercises. At the same time, all kinds of diets are well tolerated at this time. Now the body needs a lot of fluid. You can get it from liquid food, drinks and, of course, the abundance of water.

At the stage of growth of the moon, the volume of water in the body increases. You can feel a surge of strength and energy. Fluid consumption can be slightly reduced. Appetite is clearly increasing, so it is recommended to show restraint and reject late dinners.

Dental treatment

On the waning moon the blood in the body is somewhat thicker than in other periods. This is the best time for dental treatment. The pain will be almost imperceptible, and the bleeding - not abundant.

The moon in the constellations of Scorpio, Libra and Cancer - these are the best days to go to the dentist. The new moon and the full moon are considered extremely unfavorable for any such manipulations.

Attention! The moon in Capricorn makes all tissues of the body more sensitive. Even the smallest dental procedures will bring extremely unpleasant sensations.

Bath and sauna

At the beginning of the lunar cycle, the body acquires the property quickly and easily cleaned. Therefore, going to the bath and sauna will be especially effective. In the steam it is recommended to use esters and herbs. Well cleaned sage and airan.Day 5 of the lunar cycle allows you to increase the degree in the bath and it is easy to adapt to this. The organism will feel the greatest efficiency from the procedures on the 8th and 10th day of the lunar cycle at the stage of moon growth.

11 day is unfavorable for the first trip to the bath. Beginners may feel unwell. Day 20 is suitable for warming the back and legs. In the process it is recommended to use rowan tea. It is rich in vitamins and trace elements that are well digested and improve immunity.

If you want to use the bath for entertainment, then it is better to schedule a group visit on the 21st, 22nd day or on the 30th lunar day, if they are in a cycle. 4, 7, 9, 12, 14, 15, 23, 26, 27 and 29 days are considered unfavorable for the steam room. 16, 19, 25 and 28 days remain neutral.

Lunar calendar of health monthly


In any month, the most dangerous days for health are solar and lunar eclipses. In January, they will fall on the 6th and 21st. Side effects of medication should be avoided. From January 7 to January 20, you can feel a rush of well-being. Health indicators will improve. All useful trace elements will be well absorbed and bring the maximum benefit.


From 1 to 4 February, as well as the 20 and 28 number is intended for rest and recovery of the body. Particularly attentive to the drugs taken should be considered on February 5 and 19. From February 6 to February 18 you can feel the vigor and a surge of energy. Such activity allows you to make a schedule of events, allowing to achieve change for the better.


From 1 to 5 and from 22 to 31 March should be ready to weaken the immune system. Health will leave much to be desired. Chronic illnesses will manifest themselves unpleasantly. Improvement procedures and operations are best planned for dates from 7 to 20.


Active renewal and cell growth in April falls on 6-18 numbers. During this period, you can safely increase physical activity and get the desired return.


From 6 to 18 May, it is important to stay frequently in the open air. Physical activity during this period should be reduced. Unfavorable days will fall on the decreasing Moon from May 1 to May 4 and from 20 to 31. During this period, it is recommended to pay special attention to the signs of various diseases and to arrest them even in the very germ.


In the new moon and the full moon should be more careful with their diet. It is necessary to abandon the heavy and fatty foods. Also, do not plan for heavy loads. Failure can be operations performed on the 3rd and 17th. From the 4th to the 16th, cardiovascular training and breathing exercises will be especially effective.


The time has come to replenish energy reserves. It is necessary to take care of the choice of the optimal vitamin complex, as well as not to go on a hard diet. From 3 to 15 July, you can spend a light cleanse. The night of the 17th is marked by a lunar eclipse. In terms of health, we should expect poor health and exacerbation of chronic diseases.


The period from August 2 to 14 should be devoted to relaxation and rest. Especially effective in this regard will be walking and massage. Also on these dates it is good to plan a vacation. Rest should not include a pronounced activity.


Favorable for immunity will be the periods from 1 to 13 and September 29-30. At this time, hardening and similar procedures will be of particular benefit.


September 19, 23-31 - a difficult period. At this time, signs of depression will be clearly felt. Also an unpleasant factor will be a breakdown. The days from 10 to 22 October will allow a little recovery.


The most difficult days in November fall at 13-25. At this time, people will often suffer from headaches, nervous seizures and other disorders. Drinking plenty will help improve your well-being. In the first 10 days of the month, general healing procedures can be carried out - they will be especially effective.


From December 12 to 25, weather sensitive people will experience a breakdown. During this period, it is likely to become infected with a viral disease. Before the very New Year, you will feel some relief and a boost of energy.At this time, you need to work on the immune system and your body. To the benefit will go exercise and rest.


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