The name of a pedicure should not scare you. This is a completely safe and harmless way to care for your feet. It is believed that acidic pedicure gently affects the feet, rather than treatment with pumice stone or metal brushes.

Acid pedicure is a great way to remove corns and corns. For the procedure uses only natural products. The main component of the care substance is fruit acids. That is why the procedure has received such a formidable name.

Fruit acids gently act on dead and dead skin cells, renew them and awaken regeneration processes. The procedure is recommended for those girls whose legs are covered with microcracks, and nail plates need to be restored. As a whole, an acid pedicure has a healing effect on the skin of the feet and is often used as a preventive treatment.

Acid pedicure: features and benefits of the procedure

The undoubted advantage of fruit pedicure is considered antibacterial effect without the use of coarse tools. During the procedure, you will not experience any discomfort, neither hurt nor ticklish.

Creams used for pedicure do not contain chemical components that could have a negative effect on the skin. Due to these properties, acid pedicure is assigned to the most vulnerable groups: children, adolescents, pregnant women, people with diabetes.

Another plus of an acidic pedicure is the large intervals between treatments. Fruit acids not only clear the horny skin from the feet, but also slow down the process of re-roughening.

Attention! If you want to get rid of the old-fashioned natoptyshy, then in order to achieve the best effect you should carry out the procedure 2-3 times a month.

Thanks to the accumulative effect of acid pedicure, your feet will look great for a long time.

Acidic pedicure: step by step instructions for implementation

The procedure includes 3 stages, the execution of which takes about an hour on average.

The first stage involves the treatment of stop disinfectant soap. The second stage - the impact of fruit acids on the skin of the feet. To do this, the legs are covered with a special agent containing acids as per instructions. To achieve the best effect, the legs are wrapped with cling film and wrapped with a warm towel for 15 minutes.

Then rinse off the residue or wipe your feet with wet wipes. Now you can begin to cleanse the feet of horny skin. After fruit acids, it is easily removed with a soft foot file. At this stage, the skin leveling, separation of corns and calluses, the overall improvement of the skin.

The final stage is the application of soothing cream on the feet.

Acid pedicure: contraindications to the procedure

Before embarking on a pedicure, you should carefully examine your feet for cracks, open calluses or fungal diseases. The presence of cracks can make the procedure at least painful and lead to significant skin problems. Substances that are part of the cream, can damage wounded skin.

The categorical contraindication to the performance of acid pedicure is the presence of mycotic (fungal) diseases. Despite the fact that many types of fungus can be eliminated with acids, it is not recommended to perform this procedure on damaged skin. You risk an acid burn, the consequences of which are difficult to correct.

General recommendations for the procedure

  • Fruit pedicure is not recommended in the presence of mechanical damage to the skin - cracks, scratches, wounds
  • If your orgasm is prone to allergic reactions, then you must first apply a small amount of cream to the skin and evaluate the reaction. If redness, burning or itching appears, it is better to refuse to carry out the procedure.
  • Pay particular attention to the composition of the means for acid pedicure. Avoid creams with a high content of chemical components and unfamiliar components.

What you need for acidic pedicure

To perform the procedure at home you will need:

  • warm water bath
  • fruit acid cream
  • foot file (not pumice stone)
  • food film
  • foot moisturizer

What fruit cream to choose

Acid pedicure cream contains a large variety of different fruit acids. Most often it is glycolic acid, which is found in large quantities in beets, unripe grapes and sugar cane. The small size of the molecules of the acids easily penetrate even into the rough skin, break apart horniness and compaction. In addition to fruit acid, cream contains lactic acid, which is effective against calluses and corns.

You can buy fruit peeling cream at any cosmetic store, after consulting with a specialist about the features of each product.

Kart products are very popular among professional beauticians.The manufacturer offers a whole line of tools to solve skin problems of any level of complexity. Creams for acid pedicure allow you to get rid of fungal infections, corns and ingrown nails as soon as possible. In addition to the fruit components, these products contain vegetable components, which together form a highly effective foot skin care cream.

Experts recommend in the case of running problems with the skin on their feet to seek the help of a professional master. In the future, the preventive procedure of fruit pedicure can be performed at home by yourself.

Pedicure, along with a manicure and a beautiful haircut is considered an indispensable part of the care of appearance. Acid pedicure is very popular with women. It is easy to perform at home, and the effect of the procedure will be comparable to the salon. If you have not spoiled your feet with a fruit pedicure, then it's time to do it.


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