
  1. Mosquitoes - who are they and what are they?
  2. How to get rid of mosquitoes in the apartment?
  3. Folk methods of mosquito eradication
  4. How to get rid of mosquitoes in the country?

Summer is a great time for outdoor recreation, summer holidays, barbecues, fishing trips or walks in the woods. However, a pleasant holiday can be spoiled, because this time is adored by small, nasty buzzing mosquitoes and blood sucking. These insects create discomfort not only in nature or the street, but also indoors, penetrating into the apartment through the windows and balcony. That is why the question: how to get rid of mosquitoes, is so relevant. Let's try to figure this out by offering some simple and effective solutions.

Mosquitoes - who are they and what are they?

A common mosquito or a mosquito piskun is a common insect whose length can reach 5-7 millimeters. They feed on plant sap, and also love human blood. Their main danger lies in the fact that mosquitoes are carriers of disease.It is worth noting that only females drink blood, as they need it for the development of the future population.

How to get rid of mosquitoes in the apartment?

It is not difficult to hide from insects on the street, because it is enough to shorten the walk, but at home it is unrealistic to do that, because this nasty buzz will pursue both day and night. Of course, you can hide from them under a blanket, but in the summer you don’t want to do this, that’s why it’s important to know how to remove mosquitoes from living quarters. For this you can use the tools and accessories described below.

Sprays, ointments and creams

Such tools are not practical in their use, so they can only be used when going on nature. They will not be able to use the funds in the apartment, and the period of their operation is only a couple of hours, which means they will not be able to protect them during sleep.


More effective and modern means to combat insects - fumigatory. These devices need to be connected to the network, and the principle of operation lies in scaring mosquitoes thanks to a plate that spreads “fluids” harmful to insects. This tool is convenient and practical, since reusable use is possible. The only thing to do is to change a special plate in time. It should be noted that this tool is absolutely safe for the human body and health.

mosquito net

You can also protect yourself from mosquitoes with the help of a mosquito net, which is installed on the windows. It serves as a barrier for insects, thanks to which they will not be able to penetrate the house. The mesh is safe for human health and is not toxic. The only drawback is that if the surface is damaged, the integrity of the barrier will be broken and the mosquitoes will again penetrate the dwelling.

Frightening odors

Mosquitoes can also be affected by smells, while some of them are capable of killing insects, while others attract them and will serve as a habitat that prolongs life.

In order to scare off mosquitoes, it is best to use one of the options suggested below:

  • Stems of tomatoes.
  • The smell of mint, bird cherry, lavender or lilac.
  • Walnut leaves.
  • Eucalyptus or lavender oil.
  • Cloves, basil and other spices.

Important! All the proposed tools can not be called effective, as they only temporarily scare away mosquitoes, moreover, over time, insects get used to smells, and they no longer stop them.

Folk methods of mosquito eradication

To combat insects, you can use various natural and safe for humans means, including:

  • Citronella essential oil. In this case, it is important that the oil was not perfume, but natural.
  • Soybean oil, which can be mixed with catnip or lavender.
  • Neem tree seed oil comes from India.
  • Garlic.
  • Ammonia - an effective tool that can be used, but it is undesirable because it is unpleasant not only for mosquitoes, but also for households.
  • Camphor, heated on the burner.
  • Valerian or tobacco.
  • Tea tree oil. To combat bloodsuckers, it is enough to drip oil on the lamp or put a cotton pad dipped in the product on the window sill. It is worth noting that the oil is effective not only when repelling mosquitoes, but also when processing bites.
  • Elder.
  • Persian or Caucasian chamomile. This tool also repels insects, because the composition contains feverfew, which all insect parasites fear.

Important! Some of the folk remedies can cause an allergic reaction, so their effects on the body need to be checked.

How to get rid of mosquitoes in the country?

As it is known, bloodsuckers love humidity and favorable temperature conditions. When resting in the country you can meet with them in the summer shower, cellar, in the garden or inside the room. In any of these places, mosquitoes live in their own pleasure, while their numbers reach hundreds or even thousands of individuals. It is difficult to fight them here, but it is quite possible, it is enough to choose one of the methods presented below.

Simple trap

In order to build the most common trap for bloodsuckers in the country is enough to use a plastic bottle. The process of creating a trap is as follows:

  • Take a plastic bottle and cut off its top.
  • Pour some warm water into the container.
  • Add a few tablespoons of sugar and mix thoroughly.
  • Add 2 grams of yeast (do not mix).
  • Cover the trap with the cut piece of the bottle neck down.
  • Put a trap in a place of rest.

Velcro trap or electrical trap

Such a trap is able to catch not only mosquitoes, but also other insect parasites. Externally, the device resembles a roll of adhesive tape suspended from the ceiling in a place where you need to get rid of bloodsuckers. The tape emits a special smell, attracting insects to itself, as a result of which they stick and cannot fly back. Over time, not only mosquitoes, but also midge, wasps or flies can appear on the tape. A more modern counterpart is the electric trap, which attracts insects with ultraviolet radiation and kills when they approach.

Ultrasonic Repeller

Modern and highly efficient devices that repel mosquitoes at a great distance. They are of different sizes, so enough to put a small box in your pocket and forget about the mosquitoes and their existence. At the cottage, you can install a powerful repeller, the range of action, which reaches 50 meters.

Spirals, pills and liquids

Having bought a small box, you can get 6-10 spirals against mosquitoes, which are enough to install on a metal base, set fire and wait 15 seconds. After that, the spiral must be extinguished, leaving smolder.

Important! It is not advisable to use the tool in closed rooms, but in the recreation area it will become an indispensable and effective assistant.

You can also buy special pills and plates, the smell of which not only scares mosquitoes, but also kills them. It is important to collect mosquitoes in time, because otherwise they can come to life. In addition, you can use a special liquid that acts in a similar way.


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