The first decade of December is very tense, be careful especially in the relations of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th days - this is the most negative period of the month. You can not start important business until 8.12, otherwise you will encounter all sorts of difficulties, in particular, bureaucratic ones, on your way. It is better to start acting after 9.12, when Mars will be in Scorpio. The creative energy that has appeared due to this will facilitate communication and, as a result, all issues will be resolved, and conflicts will be successfully smoothed out. Until 19.12, many people will receive rewards for past successes. From December 18 to December 21 a rather difficult period comes again. Difficulties of communication will affect the appearance of new problems at work and in business. The Earth's biosphere will be rather unstable from December 20 to December 28. This will affect health - fatigue will increase, working capacity will decrease, the likelihood of colds and exacerbation of chronic inflammatory diseases will be high. Business deals may not take place, negotiations break down, and if they pass, business contacts will turn out to be ineffective and short-lived.The negative impact of the planets will decrease slightly from December 25, and the energy potential of people will start to increase after 27-28.12 - the mood will gradually improve, there will be a need for communication, prospects for improving personal life, relationships and professional growth in the new year will be outlined.


In December, you will be especially interested in personal life and relationships with your other half. Your friends are still attracted and inspired by the characteristic features of the ram - frankness and honesty.

  • Favorable days: 1, 10, 15, 21, 30
  • Dangerous days: 6, 13, 28


The month will be extremely hectic. He will attract a large amount of stress and anxiety into your life. In the first half, the disorder will be delivered by the relations in the team with colleagues, and in the second - the personal ones will disturb.

  • Favorable days: 4, 14, 16, 21, 25, 30
  • Dangerous days: 8, 15, 28


Month all the time will make you nervous, throwing all sorts of reasons and reasons for this. Relations with colleagues will be tense due to competition, and on a personal level, problems will arise due to jealousy aggravated by the influence of the planets. Keep your emotions under control, in the new year everything will change for the better.

  • Favorable days: 5, 15, 19, 21, 27, 31
  • Dangerous days: 3, 11, 18, 26


You will manifest a business spirit and you will be closely involved in affairs, especially at home. Constantly you will not only think about how to improve your home environment so that it becomes the most comfortable, but also bring your ideas to life. Buying new curtains, carpets and even furniture will take up all your free time. And cleaning and putting things in order at home this month will be your obsession.

  • Favorable days: 4, 9, 21, 25, 31
  • Dangerous days: 6, 13, 28

a lion

You will be swallowed up by a whirlwind of human emotions and passions, but without a dramatic showdown. December contributes to the establishment of personal contacts and love. You will update, bring fresh emotions to the old relationship or meet the love of your life - the one that you have long dreamed of.

  • Favorable days: 1, 5, 10, 19, 21, 25, 31
  • Dangerous days: 9, 16, 23


The location of the planets will cause you mistrust and dependence on the opinions of others. You will find protection and tranquility in the family, which will be your main value in life. You will prove to be a person who holds and strengthens family rules and traditions.

  • Favorable days: 4, 9, 14, 19, 21, 25, 31
  • Dangerous days: 1, 11, 27


In December, you will be much and actively communicate, but the negotiations are coming up difficult, you will not be easy. And only natural charm will help smooth out sharp corners and bring negotiations to a result that suits everyone.

  • Favorable days: 5, 10, 16, 21, 27, 30
  • Dangerous days: 6, 13, 20


The location of Mars will arouse interest in intangible, spiritual life. You will want to communicate more with your second half, to give him (her) more attention, care, affection, and it will be mutual.

  • Favorable days: 4, 9, 12, 16, 21, 25, 31
  • Dangerous days: 5, 15, 20


You will be mainly interested only in your achievements, plans and prospects related to your career. Work will enthrall in full. Your future is connected with this in the near future.

  • Favorable days: 1, 5, 10, 15, 21, 25, 31
  • Dangerous days: 3, 11, 23


You will be hard to show yourself. This month you will go into the shadows and just become like a bystander. Next year you will come out on top roles, use your observations with benefit and success.

  • Favorable days: 2, 9, 12, 17, 21, 25, 31
  • Dangerous days: 6, 13, 20


December is a month of communication, both working and friendly. And for you it's almost the same: your partners are your buddies. There will be bright meetings and numerous conversations. The month will not be difficult, you will do everything easily and naturally.

  • Favorable days: 5, 10, 16, 22, 28, 31
  • Dangerous days: 5, 14, 23


The month is complicated. It seems that all united against you - and the authorities, and colleagues, and relatives. You are wrong if you think that in this situation it is better to remain silent and give in - sometimes you need to be able to fight back in time.

  • Favorable days: 1, 9, 17, 20, 25, 29, 31
  • Dangerous days: 4, 18, 24


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